New Government Report Reveals Toy Hazards

A report released by the Consumer Product Safety Commission found that in 2004, 16 children choked to death and about 210,000 spent their holidays in the ER, coughing up small items they had swallowed.

Shockingly, the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) said it still finds small toy parts in games and dolls for the under three set- parts that violate a federal ban. In other instances, packaging either lacks or obfuscates the required warning labels.

Among the flood of “fix-its” generated by these reports, one PIRG idea floated high above the rest:

Parents should use a choke testing tube or a cardboardtoilet paper roll to test small toys and parts. If any toy or part fits inthe tube, then it is too small for children under 3 or older children who still put things in their mouths.

For small children, choking on small items is a leading cause of death and injury.

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