New Ideas for Old Kitchen Cabinets

If your kitchen cabinets are in good condition but you’re tired of their design or lack thereof, there are easy ways you can turn old kitchen cabinets into cabinets that look like new. Anyone can use the following creative ideas to turn their old kitchen cabinets into the cabinetry they’ve always wanted. All it takes is a little creativity and ingenuity.

Handles and Knobs

Different handles and knobs can make old kitchen cabinets look like new, and even if your kitchen cabinets never had handles or knobs, you can add them to give your old cabinetry a whole new look. Simply replace old hardware with new, or drill holes in cabinet drawers and doors and install knobs and handles.

Be sure to measure the distance between holes if you’re replacing existing door or drawer handles. They’re not all the same size. Also, if you want to replace handles with those of a different size, you might be able to cover up old holes with decorative backplates. They add a touch of class while serving a valuable purpose.

There are literally hundreds of styles and types of handles and knobs to choose from. Shop online to find the hardware that best fits the theme of your kitchen. Shopping online is the easiest way to find just the right handles and knobs at the lowest possible prices.

Wood Onlays and Appliqués

Kitchen cabinets and drawers adorned with relief carvings look rich and stylish, but you don’t have to spend a small fortune on hand carved cabinetry. There are wood onlays and appliqués that can be painted or stained and glued to the fronts of doors and drawers. No one will know they weren’t custom carved especially for your kitchen cabinets.

Wood onlays and appliqués come in all styles and prices, and they can be found at woodcraft stores and home improvement stores as well as online. Wood onlays and appliqués are just one of the many ways you can give your old kitchen cabinets a new look.

Decorative Molding and Trim

There are wood onlays and appliqués that can be painted or stained and glued to the fronts of doors and drawers. There are options available in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and prices, and the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Measure areas of your cabinets you want to trim, and buy molding or decorative wood strips to give your old kitchen cabinets a whole new look. With the help of a mitre block and saw, you can cut perfect angles like a pro.

Corkboard Cabinet Message Center

Do your write yourself notes and reminders only to misplace or forget the notes? Make a new corkboard cabinet message center on your old kitchen cabinets and never forget a note or message again. All you need is an upper wall cabinet with an exposed side, and you can make a new message center custom designed for your cabinetry.

Measure the exposed side of an upper cabinet, and buy a roll of thick cork or corkboard tiles. If necessary, trim the cork with a utility knife, and attach it with spray-on adhesive. If you ever want to take the cork down down, spray-on lubricant or adhesive remover will help you remove remaining glue.

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