New York Post Writer Insults Mothers Across the Nation

And yet, this octogenarian, maybe he’s over 80? I don’t know. However, since he’s willing to make assumptions about me, turnabout is fair play.
I think he meant to use a # rather than an @ on twitter, who feels he thinks he gets a voice in education…a voice that is stronger than mine? I’m not a soccer mom. But thanks for playing.
Oh no. Just, no. You see, Mr. Bob McManus, these so called “soccer moms” are in the trenches. We are raising the children. We see what “Common Core” has done to our children. What it can do to children. We don’t want to “break” our children. We’ve comforted the crying children who, even though Secretary of Education Duncan think are “not brilliant.” But they are.
You can reach Bob on Twitter at @RLMAC2 or you can view his terrible Page 6 articles here.
As the wife of an Iraq war vet, I can be sure that my husband would not appreciate your comments against us. But what do I know? My husband is just a veteran who was on the front line in Iraq and we both are having to deal with the common core repercussions.
I guess we should both “suck it up”, right, Bob?