News Reporters Online Getting Paid Nothing!

Sacramento, CA – Online companies such as, and Associated Content (AC) appear to assume that paying professional writers for their work is an absolute joke. The facts are in:
1. Researchers suggest not working as a sub-contractor for any of the aforementioned companies, pay is non-existent.
2. These scams seek someone to report news stories for free; try asking your Doctor to do free house calls, it’s ridiculous!
3. Un-educated individual’s make substantially higher wages working for McDonald’s making Cheeseburgers, than writers!
4. Writers work is not published professionally in Popular Mechanics Magazine, Maxim etc. I may be wrong , but not often!
So, this, for all those you who spend hundreds of hours writing for these folks, get an hourly pay, anything else is a degradation of you, your abilities and future writers. This negative experience could make you feel as if you were a rape victim!
For more information regarding online scams contact: me via my CP page. Also, find out how to file a lawsuit for non-payment of your literary work .
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