Nightlife in Italy: Dance to the Music

DJ Pippo Palmieri of Discomania, an electronic music show transmitted through Radio 105 in Milan, assures that the nightlife in Italy is a fusion of the most beautiful women and the best music, complemented by the luxurious premises decorated to the latest in interior design. In addition, the lighting and special effects in the clubs go beyond the well-known laser lights and invite all those there to let their imagination fly while surrounded by images projected everywhere in the club, as if they were protagonists of their own music video.
As far as the music goes, in Italy one dances to the beat of the best electronic and house music that, according to DJ Pippo Palmieri, “… will never disappear”. The latest rave in live music is Hindu and Moroccan music. Also, it’s important to know that in the prestigious list of the best DJ’s of the world published by DJ Magazine (England), the home of Versace and romantic gondolas was represented by Benny Benassi (# 22), Mauro Picotto (# 28), Gigi D’Agostino (# 98) and Carola Frame (# 113).
For those that wish to mingle with the famous, the true stars of the Italian nightlife are the local football players, in addition to television personalities and our own U.S. stars. According to DJ Pippo Palmieri, George Clooney is the biggest partier when he’s in Milan.
So, for those that are ready to climb the social ladder to the next level, Italy is the destiny. Once there, remember to visit the Riviera Romagnola, the zone of Rimini, Riccione, Milano Marittima, Gabicce Mare, Cesenatico and Pesaro in the coast of the Adriatic Sea, since the area guarantees entertainment the 365 days of the year. And, like always, enjoy it all…
Discomania can be listened to in preview through the Internet ( Fridays from the 10:10 a.m. to the 10:30 a.m. and Saturdays from the 8:10 a.m. to the 8: 30 a.m. EST, or download the complete version of the program in the site: and clicking the Discomania link or directly channel=on Box:
When in Rome…
Clothes: It depends on the day and the place but it’s commonly urban and the trendiest of the moment: designer jeans and the latest fashionable tee’s
Drinks: Caipiri�±a and mojito. Ay, qu�© rico!