Nintendo DS Lite: Great Handheld Gaming Console

Life would be rough with out my Nintendo DS Lite: its new, hip, crisp white and slimmed down just in time for summer. It truly does fit into your pocket or small purse and at the 129.99$ price it doesn’t hurt your wallet as much as its competitors that will remain nameless.

The DS Lite has an overall sharper visual performance then the previous version called just DS and Nintendo has repositioned the stylus holder for more convenient use. The DS Lite seeks to do away with the problems people have with the original DS (which some have started referring to it as the DS Fat ) and put the DS back in the news, getting people talking about it. The new DS Lite system is smaller, sleeker, and the lines are more modern than the odd angles of the first DS also an updated to screen makes game play brighter and clearer.

The Nintendo DS Lite hands down looks beautiful. It in no way resembles the original DS. If Apple were to make a handheld gaming console it would look like this, well it would have looked like this and In fact I don’t think that Apple’s California design studio could come up with a handheld gaming device that looks better than the DS Lite. That’s shows that the DS Lite is really, really cool.

As expected the buttons and controls have all undergone an overhaul. They are smaller and the D-pad on the DS Lite is far more tactile and offers far better control, especially if you’re trying to pull off something tricky and hard. Conversely, the Y, X, A and B buttons are all slightly larger than on the original DS, but like the D-pad, there’s more travel between than before, making the buttons feel more like a full size console controller. In addition the power button that resides above the D-pad on the original DS has gone completely on the Lite, and has been replaced by a sliding power switch on the right hand edge, much more classy if you ask me.

The official verdict is that the improved Nintendo DS Lite is worth the cost of the upgrade if you have the original DS and the new DS Lite retains all the qualities that made the original DS so much fun. The games are fun and challenging especially the new Super Mario Bros., Animal Crossing and Mario Kart Ds any really … What is better then paying against your friend who lives in another state? even while sitting at starbucks or any other wi-fi spot? If you were like me and kept putting off buying a Nintendo DS because you thought it was ugly, you don’t have that excuse anymore, the DS Lite is beautiful and Hot!

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