Nissitissit Middle School

This is a great middle school. It was built in 2002. There are three grades which are 7th, 7th and 8th. The school has over 500 students. Kids are bused from all over Pepperell. Library and computer class are offered to 6th graders. Foreign language class consist of either Spanish or French. When you take 2 years of one subject that counts as a year of high school.

Each grade is split into 2 teams which are the red and white team. Everything is done together as a team. The teachers meet each week and discuss each child individually but do it as a team. School goes from 8 am to 2:30 pm with 20 minute lunches. There are enrichment programs after school and also a late bus to take the child home.

There is a charge for the enrichment program but not the bus.Nissitissit teachers and administration are very good and caring. They spend extra time with you.

MCAS results are good and competitive. Nissitissit has a wonderful band and chorus programs. They put on several plays and concerts during the year. It really gets kids and even parents involved. The school has a big auditorium that when not in use for school has been used for Town Meetings. There is a full time nurse always in the buidling. It is a good and safe school to attend.

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