No More Housekeeping Blues

Born on Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That’s the end of
Solomon Grundy.” —Unknown
The whole idea is to make the home look as presentable as possible for yourself as well as for unexpected visitors. A clean home is biblically spoken of as being next to Godliness due to the fact that is healthier to live in a clean environment in prevention of mites and germs.The appearance of a clean home will heighten ones personal reputation. For health reasons, it is good to clean every hidden as well as the visible parts of your home by going from room to room making it spotless as possible. The common places to clean is the bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms, living room, and dining room as well as other additional rooms one may have in the premises. In the bathroom it is important to clean the areas used regularly which is full of germs such as the sink, floor, commode, take out the trash, clean the trash can, replace filters, and clean windows.
In the bedrooms, the carpets need to be shampooed and vacuumed,curtains need to be cleaned, bed linen changed, items put back into place, dirty clothing put into the hamper, clean clothing hung up on good hangers,windows cleaned and trash gathered. In the kitchen it is important to clean the dishes, gather the garbage, mop or buffer the floors, wipe off the counters, clean the sink, clean the island, put dishes back in its rightful place, clean the windows, clean the refrigerator, clean the stove and the oven, clean the walls and cabinets that may have been hit by the food you prepared. In the living room, one should clean the curtains, furniture covers, vacuum the floors and clean rugs, dust furniture and electronics, clean windows and storm doors. In the dining room, the china cabinet, the table and chairs, the rugs, the windows, and the chandelier should be cleaned for appearance. The other tasks in life such as laundry, mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow and putting halite on areas where people walk, raking the leaves, sweeping the side walk and porch as well as cleaning up any spilled garbage on property depending on area. It can be very overwhelming to think about all the tasks that needs to be done in your home. It is best to simplify your life to make it easier to do every task in its own time.
It is best to make a systematic plan to follow each week. To begin with your spring cleaning, begin with putting the winter clothing away. Before the spring cleaning the stoves must be cleaned out, refrigerators and vents cleaned and , and unused items put away in the attic or basement. Chimneys and furnaces as well as air ducts should be maintained. The supply of wood for the winter should be put into the basement or garage. Use this season to paint your home , do wall- papering, and other decorating as well as repair. Keep in mind the that the home made fresh will discourage insects during the summer months. Do the bigger jobs first to get those tasks out of the way. The smaller tasks can be done throughout the week to make your tasks easy to do. Make a weekly schedule to spread out the tasks that need to be done. For Example:
Sunday : Laundry, bathrooms, kitchen, prepare meals for the week.
Monday: Dishes, filters, windows and doors
Tuesday: Vacuum, sweep, dust
Wednesday: Shoveling,raking or mowing the lawn
Thursday: Garbage, mop or buffer floors
Friday: Clean carpet and rugs
Saturday: Go shopping for groceries
The best thing to do with your curtains or draperies are to take them down, beat the dust out of them, wipe with a damp cloth or send to the cleaners to handle. There are carpet cleaners that do a tremendous job at cleaning rugs also. However, it will take a long time to dry them due to the depth of the material. It should be dried in well ventilated room. This will prevent dust mites from surviving in such a clean environment.
Use the correct furniture cleaner to make sure the appearance of your bed was shiny with radiance. First it is best to use a duster to get rid off dust, then use a solution to clean after to give your bed a comforting scent. Then make sure your bed linen is also cleaned to compliment the appearance of your bed. The mat should be swept for dust, beaten, shaken and cleaned with a carpet cleaner then let out to dry. This all depends on the type of mat you have. Some are machine washable.
It is highly necessary for the chef of the home to have experience working with people to make it easy to communicate what meals are acceptable for your family. The chef should be aware of any food allergies as well as preference and be willing to consider this information when preparing meals. The menus should be prepared for the whole week making it easy for the family to warm them up. For live in Chefs or commuting chefs it would be expected that each meal be prepared and served daily without the task of the family having to warm it up themselves. This is usually the tradition for wealthy families. The housekeeper is expected to make sure the home is a healthy place to live in for the family being sanitized and thoroughly cleaned from germs, dust, mold and dirt. The housekeeper should have references from a reputable agency with the highest marks of satisfaction from the customers. Be sure to research before you hire to avoid any missing items from your home and possibly a job badly done in your home. The home after the house keeper leaves or completes the job should be spotless, fragrant and clean making it a comfortable place to invite guests and live in.
The Nanny or Manny should have good references before entering your home with your children. This is very important to make sure your home is safe from pedophiles or rapists. The Nanny or Manny should have education in childrearing. The children should be watched over to prevent any unpleasant accidents, get proper nourishment, have fun, and learn through educational games. The children are to learn obedience, hospitality, and manners to make the parents proud to take them out to places with out the fear of embarrassment. The home nurse should also come from a reputable medical care with great references. When caring for your loved one it is important that the nurse is willing to listen to the concerns of the patient and the family to ensure the best care for the ill. The patient should have medicine based on the illness and the current state of the patient body. Meaning, strong medicine should not be given to an ill patient with a weak body. To do that would quicken the patients death.
The patient should be cleaned, and dressed in comfortable clothing and adult diaper briefs should be given to the ill. The bed linen should be cleaned to prevent bed sores and rash. The family should look out for these things and be prepared to handle things concerning your loved one should it not be done with utter care. Each of these employees should come to your home with an ID and the attire worn by people in their field and show complete respect to you and your family. To be safe with strangers in your home be sure to take care of putting valuables and papers in a safe locked up where no one can find or get into it. Then you should have a peaceful home at last once these simple steps are taken.