Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance: Spotlight on Crosby

On a beautiful sunny afternoon in June, my daughter, Tanya Boutin, and I had the pleasure of visiting Crosby and his foster mom, Carol Lewandowski. Carol invited us into her home and led us to the backyard where we could meet Crosby up close and personal.

He greeted us with a wagging tail and a soft, “Woo-woo!” and then proceeded to show Tanya around his turf while I chatted with Carol. This is the sixth Samoyed Carol has welcomed into her home and the fourth one she has fostered. Although Quigley crossed the Rainbow Bridge much too soon, Carol’s other two fosters, Snowflake and Joy, have found wonderful ‘Forever Homes’ within NISA’s community of Sammie Lovers. It was Dillon, her first Samoyed, who sparked Carol’s love affair with the Samoyed breed. After Dillon’s passing, she spent many wonderful years loving Mac, who just recently made his way to the Bridge. She knew now was the time to take in one of NISA’s Diamonds and she was paired with Crosby (formerly known as Prince). The match seems to suit both of them very nicely.

As our visit continued, Crosby went to lie down in his lettuce patch and Tanya proceeded to snap away on the camera. Carol told me Crosby is very health conscious, even if his initial weight didn’t prove it. He came in to NISA’s fold at a hefty 98 lbs and although he hasn’t been weighed recently, he’s working on getting fit. Carol credits that to the fact that Crosby loves all types of fruits and veggies, including an after-meal treat of fresh mint from the garden. It’s all right there in his backyard to enjoy! I watched as Crosby pulled a mint leaf off one of the plants and offered it to Tanya, who politely declined. He was certainly doing his best to be a good host. No doggie breath here!

Carol knew from the first time she laid eyes on Crosby that he was a charmer. Their daily walks in the park draw attention from kids and canines alike, all of whom become instant friends with Crosby. Given the chance, with a quick flick of his tongue, he’ll even make sure to clean behind the little kids’ ears before heading home. On their way back, he makes sure to check on his grrrrlfriend, Blondie (a Golden Retriever who obviously has very good taste in men).

Carol offered Crosby a carrot and he chewed on it thoughtfully as I began
our interview. I could tell I was in the presence of royalty as I stared into his big brown eyes brimming with intelligence and just a twinkle of mischief.

YOUR NAME: I used to be called Prince a long time ago but what good is a name if you’re banished from the kingdom? Now they call me Crosby and they call me that ALL the time! They gave me that name because I love to croon when I’m happy or want attention.

AGE: A very spry 10. I can still get around with the best of them.

WEIGHT: About 85 pounds I’m guessing, but I’m big-boned!

BODY TYPE: Summer clip but there’s still lots of fluff to love. (And more coming in!)

COLOR: White, except for my tongue which is a very nice shade of pink.

MY FAVORITE TOY: I love rawhide chews. Actually I love anything to chew. . .there was this one time when Carol wasn’t looking and I grabbed a tube of toothpaste. . .erRoo? Little paper cups from the bathroom garbage are good too. Hmmm, maybe you’re looking for something else, huh? Okay, I really like plush toys, especially the ones with squeakers. Those are fun. Oh, and I don’t chew up things like the couch or shoes. I know better than that!

MOST ANNOYING HABIT: Carol would say when I pretend to be starving at the dinner table. I love people food. Did ya’ see those great donuts she left on the kitchen table today? I almost got one but she caught me before I could, um, re-arrange them for her. Personally, I don’t think I have any annoying habits.

PET PEEVES: I don’t like to share my rawhide. Once you give it to me, you shouldn’t be an Indian-giver. So it’s probably best if I didn’t live with little kids who don’t understand that. I’m not a fan of stairs either. I will use the front stairs and back stairs to get in and out of the house. But Carol has stairs going up and stairs going down inside the house! I like to stay on the main floor. I do love the ramp that Carol has in her backyard so I can saunter up and down at my leisure, although I will use the stairs to get in the house fast if something good is cooking.

COUCH POTATO OR ATHLETE: More of a couch potato but I do love my daily walks around the park and I like to play with friends who come to visit.

HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT WATER: Love to have fresh bowls of it in the house and in the yard. I steer clear when Carol turns on the hose to fill my bowl outside though. Splashing in water is for ducks!

SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS: I have a very comfortable dog bed filled with all my plushies and chews. It’s quite cozy.

PEOPLE OR DOGS (WHICH DO YOU LIKE BETTER): People, but I get along well with other dogs, big or small. I’m a Cuddle-bug. I love to be pet and cuddled.

HOW DO YOU SHOW YOUR HUMANS YOU LOVE THEM: I nuzzle and croon to them. I try to be as close to them as they’ll let me.

LEASH DOG OR FENCED-IN YARD: Carol has a nice fenced-in backyard filled with lettuce, mint and tomatoes which I love. Plus there’s a big old Pine tree to keep me nice and cool. I do walk very nicely on a leash though – no pulling for me. I like my walks to last as long as possible.

FAVORITE PERSON: Carol, but I’m an equal opportunity lover.

FAVORITE HUMAN FOOD: Apples, lettuce, pears, carrots, tomatoes and a sprig of mint to keep my breath minty-fresh for kisses afterwards.

BARKING: I tend to croon more than bark but I will let you know when I’m ready to come inside.

YOUR IDEAL FOREVER HOME: Well, my Fantasy Forever Home would have to be with Emeril or Wolfgang Puck – I bet they drop goodies on the floor all the time when they’re in the kitchen. It makes me drool just thinking about it. But seriously, I’d like an adult family that will cherish me and treat me like part of the family. People who will take me for long walks and let me be near them (especially when they’re cooking). Older kids would be nice and maybe another dog to play with?

PARTING REMARKS: Carol says she’s going to try hard to bring me to the Sam-O-Rama. I love car rides so I can’t wait! Please come out and look me over. Maybe it’ll be love at first sight for both of us.

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