Northwest Football League – The Other NFL

If you are like many football fans, you dread the month of January. The realization that the season has come to an end begins to sink in. No more Monday Nights with Madden. No more barbeques and beer on Sunday afternoons. No more tailgating at the home stadium. Well, I’ve got good news for you if you live in the Northwest. And it’s got nothing to do with saving you money on your car insurance. Every year, just as the NFL season is coming to a close, skilled competitors in the greater Seattle area are dusting off their cleats and airing out their pads in preparation for another season of play. And these guys mean business. You won’t see any overpaid prima donnas No dramas about botched free agency or holding out for multi-million dollar contracts. These guys play simply for the love of the game.

If you are looking for semi-professional ball, Seattle offers the Northwest Football League(NWFL), established back in 1961 to give athletes a venue to showcase their talents. Players in this league generally fall into one of two categories-young athletes who are looking for experience with the hopes of playing at a higher level and post-college aged guys who can’t shake the game from their systems. As players in the NWFL are not compensated for their play, individuals who may have been previously looked over have the chance to refine their skills, retain their eligibility, and potentially be recruited by scouts who frequently come out to check out the local talent. As a stepping stone to greater things, the League boasts many success stories including that of Brian Pittman, a former long-snapper with the Puget Sound Jets who now plays in the NFL for the Houston Texans.

The 10-team league stretches from Bellingham to Portland, competing at multiple stadiums every Saturday evening from June to August. At a recent game between the Snohomish Vikings and the West Sound Saints, spectators were treated to 4 quarters of true “smash-mouth” football. With daring pass plays, big runs up the gut, and trench wars between the linemen, the NFL has nothing on these guys. After an amazing second quarter comeback by the Vikings, this thriller was decided in the final seconds, with the Saints narrowly escaping with a 4 point win.

In addition to giving football fanatics a chance to enjoy the game year round, the NWFL offers families a fun and affordable way to spend quality time with one another. As there is no alcohol allowed during the games, attendees do not have to be worried about contending with drunk and out of control fans. Most of the venues offer typical stadium fare such as hot dogs, popcorn, and many drink selections, with the proceeds benefiting various non-profit organizations such as the Kiwanis Club. Tickets are still available for the remaining games. For more information, please visit the NWFL site at

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