Nuh-uh! Homeschoolers Are Too Socialized!

I read and answer homeschool board questions hoping I can help some parents interested in homeschooling make a decision or to give them information. Each and everyone of their questions are bombarded with claims of homeschooled students being socially inept and un-socialized.

The basic question “Should I homeschool” is answered with nonsense like:

“Home school? Heck nooooooooooo. These kids are very withdrawn and not very social. They need to be around others, other than mommy and daddy all day long”.

This answer comes from a place of ignorance. This is the standard stereotypical response of people who are anti homeschooler. They feel that homeschoolers are isolated and anti social. If they spent a day in the life of a homeschooler, they would surely know differently.

“Let me say that if you homeschool your child , Your child will get rejected from other kids and they will attack him and put him down for he does not attend the local public school. Your child might become a withdrawn wimp. Let the child go to public school and have some damm friends in life.”

Firstly, let us look at the spelling, grammar and need to be vulgar in this answer. (If you are going to swear, at least spell it right). This answer is typical of someone who was “socialized” through public schools. They are overly aggressive. Their answer is dismissive, and they illustrate the kind of behavior that homeschooler would not want their kids to emulate.

“Kids need to be social at a young age and you can teach her things that the schools don’t as I do. My kids are in public schools and I spend summers and after school teaching them the stuff that their school doesn’t.”

This person unintentionally gives a good argument for homeschooling. They essentially admit that the child is not in school to learn but to socialize. They teach the child themselves. Instead of wasting the child’s time in school, this person could instead have the child attend classes that excite them like ballet, science labs, even acting! There are certainly better ways to socialize than to go to school.

“No! Think about it this way… anything that you do that separates your kids from bad or aquard situations is part of their education that you are depriving them of. You may thing that keeping your children away from outside influences is a good thing, but if they do not know how to deal with these influences they have no ammunition to deal with these confrontations later in life. ”

This final argument is not awful, but the spelling is. Awkward situation will come whether a child is in public school, church, or walking down the street. Homeschooling does not deprive them from learning life’s experiences, but it may help them avoid putting prepositions at the end of a sentences. Children do learn from influences, but I feel positive influences teach as well as negative influences doâÂ?¦ better yet, learning to spell influences is also quite valuable.

While I have poked a bit of fun at these standard arguments against homeschooling. My stance is quite serious. Advocates of traditional school insist on holding onto the last long defunct argument against homeschooling� the socialization factor. The truth is with the number of homeschoolers growing rapidly every year; homeschooling parents have the opposite problem. We now have to learn to choose between socialization opportunities so that we allow our children enough time to concentrate on their education.

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