OXO All Purpose Clips – Keep Your Chips Fresh!

“I want to see if water tastes differently when you have no sense of smell,” she responded.
The glass of water that she downed suddenly looked like it was going to heave forward. Fortunately, she was able to get the clip off of her nose and refrained from spewing water over my daily newspaper.
The set of four OXO All Purpose Clips certainly serves many purposes around our house. I purchased these colorful clips to keep bags of potato chips and other snacks closed when folded. The orange, red, blue and green four-inch clips are made of a strong, sturdy plastic with a spring loaded clip that keeps them tightly closed. Each clip has a soft, molded grip that keeps the clip from flying out of your hands when extended open. The ends of each clip have a ribbed surface that grips and holds anything that it is clamped to. Try it on your nose and you’ll see how powerful this small piece of plastic can be.
Each clip has a small magnet that allows you to use this product on a fridge or metal surface. The OXO International company claims that you can suspend a dishtowel from this clip while using the magnet. I don’t know what size dishtowel they used when they conducted their experiments, but mine all slide to the floor when I attempt to use it that way. And mine are cheap dishtowels with a $1.99 price tag. Perhaps I’ll have better luck with the 99 cent Walmart dishtowels?
I also attempted to hang up an 11 x 14 piece of art work from my son and ended up with the same result– the magnet simply isn’t strong enough to handle anything bulky or weighty. Pictures work great with these clips and they can handle up to an 8 x 10 picture.
The OXO Clips are durable and all four of them have held up well despite being used for various purposes. The hubby decided to use one of them as a clamp for a school project and once I cleaned off the glue, it was good as new.
At $4.99 for four clips, I found this product to be on the expensive side. Target Online (www.target.com)is selling a set of seven OXO clips, including this set, for $9.99.
As all purpose as they may seem, I don’t recommend them in place of nose clips for swimming.
Unless you don’t mind everyone staring at you.