ObamaCare and the Recent Government Shutdown

Not too long ago, there was yet another budget crisis, and this time the Republicans made ObamaCare’s funding its central focus.

After much snarking, sniveling and side-commenting from both sides of the aisle, the Republicans finally backed down to the bare minimum: giving the American people the same one-year grace period Obama had already declared for corporations and unions struggling to comply with the new law’s requirements.

The nation was told, in no uncertain terms, that the “Affordable Care Act” was settled law and there was no room now for any special considerations — nevermind that the aforementioned corporate and union considerations had already been set aside. Most people nodded their heads, decided that Republicans were just being unreasonable, and got on with their lives.

Well, then the ACA website crashed on launch. And then millions of Americans were shocked when “Affordable Care” turned out to raise premiums for most people in most areas of the country. And then millions of Americans were shocked to find that election-year promises of “keep your existing plan” were flatly false from the get-go.

Because of all these reversals, public support for the Act has plummeted.

This prompted the President to reverse himself on the very reason he and his party were willing to shut down the government. Suddenly, a one-year grace period is acceptable to him, nevermind the “settled law” argument of a few weeks ago.

But he’s not going to extend grace to all Americans. Just for those currently angry because the rug was yanked out from under them. And they’re going to be angry again, because one year from now (after the election), they still won’t be allowed to keep their plans. Even now, the very insurance companies which signed on to the ACA are demanding Obama not give any such leeway, since forcing an about-face on millions of accounts will send premiums skyrocketing even higher.

Suddenly, the Republicans look like they were the more reasonable party after all.

Meanwhile, the White House’s position remains: keeping your doctor, hospital or insurance is an unreasonable demand, made by people who are trying to undermine ObamaCare.

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