Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and What it Means

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a very serious anxiety disorder. A person who has OCD continually has unwanted thoughts that can only be rid of by repeatedly performing certain tasks. The effects of OCD can range anywhere from low to severe, and if gone untreated can cause a huge hindrance in your social, work, and school life.

There are many symptoms of OCD. Just a few of them are as follows.
� Recurring, unwanted thoughts and ideas the put a hindrance on your daily life. Some common examples are constant fear of harming yourself, a fear of germs, and an obsession with neatness or perfection.
� Compulsions that are ritualistically repeated in an attempt to control the obsessions that are listed above. Some common examples are washing your hands constantly, checking on a certain object constantly, counting, and repeating.

Many people are not sure of what causes OCD, and this is for good reason. Experts are still trying to pinpoint what exactly causes OCD in a particular individual. Experts in the field are currently studying brain scans, genetics, and environmental factors. It is believed that one or all three of these may contribute to somebody having an OCD.

OCD can be diagnosed by visiting your family doctor. They will diagnose you based on your symptoms, medical history, and a physical examination. Many people are afraid to ask their doctor about this disease because they are embarrassed of their situation. But there is nothing to be afraid of; thousands of people are diagnosed with OCD every year in the United States alone.

OCD is treated by undergoing counseling sessions and by taking medication. The most common types of medication prescribed for people with OCD are anti-depressants. Counseling has proved to be an effective method of treatment for many people. During counseling a patient will undergo cognitive-behavioral therapy. This type of therapy involves gradually increased contact with a fear until anxiety is greatly decreased.

OCD is nothing to be ashamed of. People all over the world are being treated for this disease. If you are looking for help, be sure to contact your family physician.

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