Obtaining a Prenuptial Agreement

If in the prenuptial agreement has stipulations that is grossly unfair to either spouse, or is signed with the intention of getting a divorce or promoting a divorce by making it more beneficial financially for them to be separated , it will not be upheld by a court of law. Be sure to research the laws of your state as in regards to the requirements for premarital agreements. Some states may vary as if the laws and regulations as to what can and can not be included in the arrangement.
Prenuptial agreements can also contain how you will live as husband and wife. The household responsibilities of each spouse can also be noted in agreements, but can not be enforced by the court system. If you do choose to write your own agreements, have them signed in front of a notary public. Many people now a days are entering into prenuptial agreements so as not to loose assets they have worked long and hard to achieve. Prenuptial agreements does not define the love one has for one another, but rather just a way to protect material possessions.