Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along Swing

Being the satisfied owner of the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing, I was happy to purchase the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along swing as an extra swing for moving from room to room and using when we were visiting grandparents.

My first concern was the weight of the swing. Would I be able to move the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along swing easily from room to room, most of the time with a baby in one arm and the swing my free hand? I was very happy to find that the swing was easy for me to move due to its light weight. The handle is large,easy to grip and can allow for the swing to be carried at whatever angle is best at the time. (I have not tried to move the swing with my baby inside of it and don’t recommend doing so.) I frequently use the swing in various rooms of my house as well as on the deck and front porch while playing with my older sons.

My second concern was whether or not the swing would fit well into the trunk of my car for traveling. The Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along swing folds neatly and with ease into a size that is smaller than my suitcase. When I take my three children to see my in-laws for the weekend, the swing fits nicely in the floorboard of the backseat if our luggage leaves no room in the trunk. The Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-along swing is easy to unfold and set up once I reach my destination.

Knowing how quickly a swing can use batteries, I bought plenty of the required C-cell batteries for the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along swing. To my surprise, the swing goes through batteries more slowly than I expected. Of course, this depends on how often you use all of the features at once, but even constant use of the whole swing doesn’t drain the batteries like the larger version of the swing does.

Because my primary use of the swing is to have a place to put baby while I cook, play with my older sons or anything else for which I need both hands, I don’t use it for soothing baby to sleep. I find that the lights on the swing are very entertaining for my five month old. The lights are on the underside of the swing’s handle and the handle tilts for the positioning that is best for baby to see. There is a setting that allows the child to control the sounds and lights by pulling on one of the two toy sea creatures attached to the swing. There is also a music setting that plays the same songs my son is used to from his Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing.

The Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along Swing has eight speeds. I find that I don’t use more than four or five. As the swing is in motion, two seahorses, in aquarium like circles filled with water, appear to swim and give baby something fun to watch.

The seat of the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take-Along Swing is soft and cradles baby nicely. The harness has a thick belly pad with a plush toy fish attached and keeps baby secure while in the swing.

I would definitely recommend The Ocean Wonders Take-Along Swing for travel and entertaining baby in small spaces. I would not recommend the swing for soothing baby to sleep because I much prefer its larger version for that purpose.

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