October Surprise: Get Ready for a Big One!

My first contention (and I’m not the only one that suspects this) is that the Israeli action against Lebanon has been planned for some time. My personal feeling was that it happened a little early, because of the kidnappings. My assertion is that was only the excuse, not the reason. From the beginning, the Israeli forces have hit infrastructure, preparing for an invasion. The rightie talking heads are prepping their listeners for more, like an attack on Iran, Syria, or both. Condi Rice going there was only window dressing. This Administration has no interest in Mideast peace. It never has. I think that they are getting exactly what they always wanted in Iraq, maddening chaos. And now they want to expand that chaos. Soon, we will be hearing how important it is that we all make sacrifices for the war effort. (Like 4.00 or 5.00 or 6.00 for a gallon of gas) the resulting hit on the economy will anger many. But what about the civilians in the war zones? What will they be asked to sacrifice? As of this writing, reports are that the Israeli army has hit a U.N. observer post and a Lebanese army base. About 125 rockets hit Israel. Their army took 9 casualties. It continues to be escalated.
My second thought is that there may well be another terrorist attack on American soil. I hope not, but I would not be that surprised. We need to be reminded in no uncertain terms that the bogeyman is still out there, in some Noe-con thinking. This Administration would be lost without fear. Fear of terror, fear of gays, fear of crazy-eyed flag burners…fear, fear, fear….
And now they are afraid. Because they know if they don’t hold the majority in Congress, they will be investigated. A balance would be restored to government. And they might not get the war they always wanted. Many in America-the President included-feel that they are instruments of God, and are charged with making ready for the end. So tell me, if a bunch of jackasses read a book and do what they need to make it happen….is that prophesy?