Of Luggage and Their Carriers

Having been on the packing-unpacking side of things for the past 18, I have come to the conclusion that the way you pack is a direct reflection of your personality. I wrote something to that effect for a college newsletter. Now, five years later, I’ll try to apply my newly acquired wisdom to the following list:

The Neat Freaks: Neat freaks live in a world of their own, unscathed by their violent, disorderly or unbecoming surroundings. Tirelessly, they iron each sock and pair of pants, slowly and serenely placing them in the proper compartment of their brand new looking, fashion abiding suitcase. They worry not about the rough luggage handlers at the airport, or the many mid-flight air pockets that will likely cause disarrays in the cargo section of the airplane. They do not worry, because they pack in such a way that upon arrival, all items of clothing will still be sitting peacefully in their allotted places, nicely folded and beckoning.
The trick? Ask a Neat Freak, and he will stare at you blankly for a quarter of a minute, then he will blink and say “I do not understand your question.”

The ‘You-never-know’ packer: You-never-know packers are usually also known as sensible mothers, or very indecisive teenagers. When traveling in July, they will pack woolen sweaters and boots because “you never know what the weather will be like there, never believe those meteorologists, all they want is to confuse you”. A trip to a sea resort will include tying a ski set to the roof of the car, because you never know what might happen, God knows you’ve been stuck in impossible situations before, and all because you didn’t think ahead. And of course, the you-never-know packer brings along forty pairs of shoes, pots and pans, the entire contents of the medicine cabinet, and the family’s favorite plant, because you never know how long you might be stuck there for. What if the car crashes in the middle of nowhere and we are left to sit there for months and months? You have to be prepared!

The apathetic one: Who cares. So we’re going on a trip, big deal. Oh, do I really have to pack a suitcase? What for? Change of clothes? Ok, I’ll throw in the contents of my top drawer…there should be something there. It’s time to go to the pub. What? Why not? We’re leaving soon? Ah, that’s right. Have I packed my bags? I think so…it doesn’t matter…

The frantic packer: Oh My God, Oh my God, where is my freakin’ toothbrush? I TOLD you to leave your pajamas out, they have to be the last thing to go in, now what are you going to do when we get there? You tell me! Darling, should I bring the red dress or the long black one? I asked you a question! We’re going to miss the flight! Stop staring at that TV screen and come help me finish packing! Throw in another pair of socks, will you… Oh my, have I packed enough underwear? And what if everybody there dresses casually? I can’t take this anymore. MARK TURN OFF THAT TV AND COME CLOSE MY SUITCASE!!!

The procrastinator: The procrastinator idly goes about his errands; the thought of packing a suitcase lays in the back of his mind, where it will stay until the very last minute. He will present himself at the airport/station, right on time, with a fully packed bag. One or two items will remind behind, but nothing that can not be replaced at destination

ME: Uhm…suitcase, which suitcase…what’s the weather like in Rome? My sister said I need a sweater..but only a light one…but what if it gets cold? I’ll throw in a woolen top. Should I start packing now? Nah, there’s plenty of time. Checking email is much more important. I won’t pack a lot of clothes, I’ll only end up wearing half of them anyways. Roll up t-shirts to save space, lay out the skirts on the bottom of the suitcase, but messily throw some last minute things on top of it all so as not to appear anal. Make a big sign that says “Toothbrush, contact lens case, mousse” then forget to put it in a prominent place. Flight is confirmed, I’ll have the cab fare or maybe I won’t, not to worry, there’s plenty of time.

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