Office and Group Party Ideas

From the one end of town to the other are great places to hold a party, you just need to find the one that suites you and your group, so the first thing is to come up with an idea and place to have the party. Maybe you already have that covered but there are things that you may not be thinking about that will change your mind.
For the main theme of the party you could do something that is a little different than the usual, try bowling, bingo or golf. Many golf courses have country clubs or gathering places that you can rent for the party and everyone will enjoy a round of golf if no one takes it too seriously. Some even do winter golf for that really different event. Face it every business doesn’t have a Tiger Woods in their midst so you go can go out and have a blast. Or for bowling rent some lanes and have fun, even bingo can be fun when everyone is enjoying themselves and having a good time, and bingo can be done anywhere. You can try other games as well, anything that a group can do that would involve everyone. There’s a dice game called Bunco that is great for groups with any number of people that you use small and inexpensive gifts as presents for whoever wins each round of the game. The rules for it are here: . There are a bunch more games that you can find on the Internet with a little searching in your browser and search engine. Try group games or party games.
For events like bowling or golf you can have prizes for not only best game or highest, but for most bunker shots, most rough shots, most gutter balls and the best one, team spirit. You can get fun and small prizes for all the games for people to win and make it fun for the whole family. You can et door prizes from businesses with a little leg work, many like the opportunity to contribute to events as long as you advertise for them. Many times if you are in a nonprofit group like Scouts, 4-H or some other one you can have the whole meal donated with prizes from various local stores and restaurants, all it takes is someone to go around and ask for donations, with the promise to advertise the business.
Of course for Halloween you have the party with the costumes but you can get creative and have prizes for the best and worst, plainest and most difficult to get out of. You can have a specific theme for a Halloween party like a recent movie or particular period of time in the past or future. Any idea will be welcome even if your not the one in charge of the party and the more ideas the ones in charge get the better the party will be.
Christmas can be even better by doing some fun things like a party and helping others at the same time. Have a bingo game and some of the profits go to the Salvation Army, your co-workers will have fun and you’ll be benefiting a worthy cause to boot. Or have a can drive for food as an entrance fee to the party and donate it all to a local food pantry or shelter. This way the people coming to the party will help out others as well as have a good time.
There’s some other things that a group or company can do to liven up a party or even help some of the parents at a party with their children. A friend of my wifes had a wedding reception and knows about my sons clowning and magic work, he is an amateur clown and works at clowning, magic and balloon tying. She asked if he would do some balloon tying and twisting for the kids during the reception to give the kids something to do other than a dull adult party. He was a hit with the kids and it helped give the parents something for the kids to do. My wife works at a day care and they have an annual picnic which is fun, they hold it at a local part and have a potluck with all the parents and workers. The director asked my son to do his clown makeup and do balloon tying, he even gets paid for it. There’s many clowns and magicians that can do this sort of thing and many do not cost as much as you would think.
You can check out local clown and magic shops if you have any for contacts as well as check out on the Internet. Many costume shops know of clowns and magicians that are working in the area and may know of college students who are supplementing their income this way. Many times a clown or magician that is still learning the trade will not charge near as much as a professional but they still need the practice and work. It’s a benefit for all involved even if he or she is not a real professional.
There’s a lot of ideas and you can start by checking on the Internet for fun things to do at your party. Think and even if your not in charge you can always suggest some new ideas if you dread going to that office or work party. Anything any one can come up with to help to liven up the group and there’s all kinds of fun and exciting things that can be done if you just think and keep an open mind, and have fun.