Oh for the Love of a Shelter Pet

In this world of designer labels more and more people are looking for designer pets. I will speak about dogs, as that is my passion, but it pertains to other creatures and fur babies as well.

So many people are hung up on breeds but for the wrong reason. you should consider a breed because of the temperment of the animal and your family situation. Some breeds are best with older children some are best with no children.

Whether you want a pure bred or a mixed breed, the best place is a shelter. Yes your pure breeds will nto have AKC papers, but they will have all the love and more, as they so appreciate being taken out of a cold damp cage, and will give you unconditional love for many years to come.

You need to patient with adoptees, as they have had a hard life, and might not be trusting at first, but give them a little bit of lvoe and they will return it ten fold.

Also consider an older pet, you know their temperments and habits already, there is no telling what a puppy or kitten might grow into.

Also for the most part they are house broken or litter box trained already.

We have too many pets abandoned, too many pets in shelters, and for the most part a lot of them are kill shelters where the pets get euthanized very fast.

Take the time, research different breeds, decide what breed or breeds would be best for you, then go to the shelters, and interract with these babies. Most shelters are honest as they do not want the fur babies returned, and will let you know any illnesses they have, any behavior problems they might see or if they feel that this pet is suitable for the environment you are providing for them.

One other important thing NEVER give a pet as a gift, a lot of times the recipient does not want it although all good intentions are made when giving the gift and they end up back at the shelter.

If you have 1,000 to spend on a pet, pay it to the shelter instead. they can definately use it for upkeep in the place, but with the overcrowding in the shelters seriously consider adopting, your life will be enriched and you will esaving a life as well.

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