Old Age: A Blessing?

Find Common Ground. One of the biggest problems is the generation gap. Teenagers and even young adults are concerned with their jobs, their families, or with other matters, whereas older people can be laid back, more relaxed, or concerned more about medical issues. If you are an older one, or a younger person, finding the common ground between your concerns and their concerns can mean the world to the other person.
Be Helpful, Not Hampering. Old and young alike want to be involved, to have meaningful things to do, and be a part of the big picture. It is important for the older ones to do what they can to help out in the family, and just the same, it is important for younger ones to let them. An older person may not be as fit or have as much stamina as a younger person, but they often have experience to make up the difference.
Know the Signs. If someone you know if growing older, you may notice that they are forgetful, or have trouble remembering even the simplest of things. Do not dispair, or dismiss this as part of the normal aging process. Many cases of deminsia are caused by malnutrition, vitimin deficiancy, dehydration, fever, or other easily fixable problems. If the problem persists though, it would be wise to contact a doctor, and talk to him about the problem.
Work Together. Whether you are the younger one, or the older one, no one is helped by arguing. If their is a disagreement, try to find a compromise between the two standpoints, or to find an alternative. If you are the older one, do not become inraged at the well-meaning younger person, and accuse him or her of thinking them ‘useless’ if you are the Younger one, do not jump to the conclusion that you’re right, and the older one is just being stubborn. In all things, it is best to try to find out why there is a problem first, then to find a solution.
Don’t Give Up. If you are an older one, getting up in years, do not give up on life, thinking you are useless, or a burden. These years are just one more phase of the life you have led. Staying active is vital to health and happiness. Don’t be afraid to accept the help your friends and relatives are offering, they mean well; and they care about you.