Oliver Stone’s Alexander Director’s Cut – Emotionally Charged Epic

Staring: Collin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Anthony Hopkins
Directed by: Oliver Stone
Rated: ‘R’ for violence and some sexuality/nudity
Copyright: 2004, 2005 IMF Internationale Medien und Flim GmbH & Co. 3 Productions and Warner Bros. Entertainment
Running Time: Approximately 167 minutes
Genre: Epic Action
My Thoughts:
First, I must admit that I knew virtually nothing about Alexander before watching the film. I don’t know if that is relative but it might be. Throughout the movie I kept waiting for something to show me why this guy was so great and deserves a movie about his life. It turns out his greatness is simply because he fought a lot of battles and never lost. So now I knowâÂ?¦and I don’t really care.
I must also admit that I truly enjoy epic films and I generally don’t think they even need to be extremely well written, acted or directed for me to like them. There is just something about these types of film that pull me in and get me hooked. This movie was no different. While I wouldn’t say it is a great film, I would still recommend it. So here is what I think.
The directing was kind of weird. The movie jumped back and forth through time and even though it stated the new times, I still found it a bit confusing. I think there was too much movement with the camera for my tastes as well. It is best if you just watch the movie without thinking or trying to figure anything out. By the end of the movie, all will soak into your brain and it will all make sense.
Of course there are huge battle scenes with plenty of blood, which seems to be a staple of these types of films. There is a definitely unique battle scene in India where the Indians use elephants instead of horses. I liked that because it is different and interesting. There is a terrific shot that would make a great poster of a horse and elephant rearing up while facing each other. If you like battle scenes that are raw and seem un-choreographed then this movie will not disappoint you. These are not giant ballets with swords, instead these are bloody, blurry, real time visions of what being in a battle was like.
Colin Farrell does an okay job as Alexander. He does a great job with facial expressions and his eyes just seem to shine with emotions. Personally, I don’t care for Alexander. I don’t think he was a great man, he was not very good at keeping his troops happy, and he just seemed pretty selfish. So if that is what Alexander was like, then maybe Farrell did a better job acting than I am giving him credit for. Farrell just didn’t seem to take over the screen like he should have.
At first I had trouble with Angelina Jolie playing Alexander’s Mother, but after a while it just didn’t matter. I must say that I am probably biased because I simply love Jolie. As Alexander’s mother she is weird, exotic, full of emotions and just wonderful. Her accent is a little weird but it adds to the mystique of this woman. She is a strong woman, who knows her place, but refuses to remain quiet.
She is not anyone I would even consider as my mother, she is obsessed with snakes and filled with ambition to make her son the greatest King ever, no matter what the consequences or costs are. She believes Zeus is Alexander’s true father and not King Phillip, which she pound into Alexander’s head. Which is probably why Alexander goes thorough his life acting like he is a God himself.
Val Kilmer does an excellent job portraying King Phillip, Alexander’s Father. Phillip is a giant bully, who says what he wants and acts however he feels regardless of what others think. He doesn’t respect Alexander or show much love until Alexander tames a wild horse and then his love is still conditional. He seems a bit crazy or mad and just wants to go through life drinking, bedding women, and talking about all the glory he will bring to his kingdom.
King Philip dies when Alexander is 20 throwing Alexander into the position of King before he is ready. Alexander spends the rest of his life trying to impress his dead father and longing for respect and love that he will never get. Going farther than his father ever went seems to become his main quest in life, which is why I believe he comes across as so selfish.
Homosexuality plays a quiet role in this movie. There is no secret made of Alexander’s love for his male friend, Hephaistion (Jared Leto), whom he seems to ignore. He professes his love to Mike but then takes a wife to give him an heir and beds another man. Personally, I felt sorry for Mike because of the way Alexander treated him.
The sexuality is low key and subtle but the point is there without question. There are two scenes where a man kisses a man but it is not really sexual. I am saying this just in case you have a problem with homosexuality between men.
Anthony Hopkins lends his talents narrating as the older version of one of Alexander’s most trusted warriors. He is telling the story as he saw it. Hopkins is as always, wonderful. Even with the make-up and prosthetics he still exudes the greatness that makes him who he is. Without a doubt, he makes the most of the small role given to him.
This is a fast paced, action filled movie with interesting and entertaining characters. The writing, directing and acting is adequate, with some better than others. If you like to get caught up in another time and place then you will enjoy this movie.
Other reviews I have read are mixed. Some hate the movie, some enjoy it even with its flaws. Some say it is historically accurate, others say Stone put his emphasis in the wrong parts. I have only come across a few reviews that say it is not worth watching.
Ultimately, the choice is up to you. If you are an Alexander fan (seems to be quite a few out there) then you are likely to enjoy the movie but wish for more details on what made the man so great. I say give it a try. You can always turn it off if it is too horrible to watch.
My Rating: 2.5 Stars
DVD Bonus Features: Commentary by Oliver Stone, featurettes, cast interviews & more