On Islam and Iraq

The war in Iraq was presented as a neccessity to my fellow Americans. It was apparent to me from day one that it was not, Sadaam if you will check news archives, fully cooperated with the US and UN Inspectors. A move I am sure George W did no t forsee but he had already commited to the war and invaded anyway. Sadaam was not a threat. A cruel and terrible tyrant but not a threat to America.

Iran and South Korea however are both Nuclear countries, data from DoD sources suggest Iran has functional nuclear weapons and have for quite some time. South Korea has a defensive posture on the use of it’s nuclear option and will most likley take no action until they are in some way threatened. The difficulty lies in determing what their trigger will be. Much like walking on thin ice. If you step in the wrong spot it will break through to a cold a certain doom.

Iran on the other hand, though presenting it’s nuclear ambitions as peaceful have no such intentions. While it is probable they have weapons of nuclear capability, they have no weapons capable of creating the kind of destruction they seek. Primarily, they are in need of a nuclear device capable of causing wide area damage against Israel and possibly the United States. Iran has very dangerous global ambitions and uses Islam as it’s politcal base. If you knew the true tenants of Islam as I have come to understand them, you would be far more afraid of Iran.1

The US Government has it’s own ambitions as well. It is still not clear whether or not the US givernment is being completley honest with Americans. There is enough reliable evidence to suggest major elements in US and British government and corporations played a part in making 9/11 a horrible reality.

Yet it is We The People caught in the crossfire. A whole section of the world fueled by a doctrine of hate equates the actions of the US government with the average American citizen.

Let me tell you a story.
Not that long ago in the very twon I live in, a 63 year old woman by the name of Nadia Shaheen was on her way home from a late session at the MSU computer lab. The sun had long since set as this soon to be graduate began her walk home.

Elsewhere a young man, the son of a prominent kentucky political figure was leaving a party. Despite being completley trashed, no one at the party took away his keys. They should have punched him out or slashed his tires. It would have cost less to repair a broken tooth or a flattened tire than it would cost him and his victim just minutes into the future.

Miss Shaheen made her way down the road, not far from her place of residence. A car slammed into her with suck force, teeth marks were found on its surface. The driver realizing that he had struck something, stopped the vehicle to find the woman who he presumed to be dead, lying just off the side of the road. Realizing what he had done, and who his father was he made no attempt to gather help for the woman who, unknown to him, was still alive. Instead he dragged her unconcious body into a ditch and covered it with leaves. They believed she was still alive for quite some time before her spirit left this world.

The town, populated by mostly amercians was shocked, appalled and saddened at the loss of this womans life.

The moral of my tale? One man. ONE person decided to make s tupid decision that cost the life of an eqyptian born woman, and ruined his own life. The rest of the town was just as angry as her family. Why? That could have been my sister or my friend on that road that night. They both live in walking distance.

So it goes for the war in Iraq. You know my stance on Islam. I am not fond of the religion and believe its history to be just as dubious if not more so than many other religions of the world but I am appalled by this war on Iraq. Because for every soldier Allied or Enemy that dies, a Father, Brother or Friend is lost forever,

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