On September 1 2006 Blogs and Web Site Around the World Will Call for Impeachment

Impeachnet.net is calling on all supporters of freedom, civil rights, intelligence and peace to do something special for 24 hours beginning at noon eastern time on September 1. Simply replace the home page of your web site or blog with one image. A black background and white letters saying simply Impeach.

Go here to find out more and get the html code.

What is the use, you ask? What will it accomplish? Nothing. Except for showing how much support is out there for removal of the criminal in the White House. Nothing, except perhaps getting whatever distracting celebrity news that will take away from the crimes of Bush on September 1 pushed back down the list of stories covered on the news as the conservative media finds themselves unable to ignore this real news when every reporter is faced with the word impeachment when he’s surfing the net looking for information on Scott Peterson’s wife’s bathroom habits.

It is designed solely to bring to the public consciousness the fact that the leader of our country has committed innumerable impeachable offenses, yet so far has faced less Congressional oversight for the real crimes committed while President than Bill Clinton faced for the crimes he never committed in the Whitewater affair before becoming President .

What a sad state of affairs that our GOP-controlled Congress has spent less than one one-hundredth the amount of money investigating the crimes of Pres. Bush than they did investigating a land deal in Arkansas. Still proud of your Congressman? Still want to send him or her back for another shot at destroying America?



All of them.

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