One Million Faces – Internet Entrepreneur Plans to Make Internet History and Help Others

In just a few short years blogging has become an extremely popular way to meet people and share thoughts and ideas, but finding others with common interests has been a challenge for many.

Jerome Boykin has created a new web site that enables users to find each other and communicate in a fun, free, and safe environment at

Many people have a blog of some kind, or have a profile on a social networking site, but are not able to find many visitors. I created to make it fast and easy to connect with interesting people in cyberspace, said Boykin.

The process of finding others to connect with on the Internet is now easier than ever thanks to Boykin. He found a common need and filled it, which is a proven formula for success. He said he expects to meet his goal of one million faces on the home page of by the end of the year.

The reason it works is really very simple, he explained. People like to search through pictures as the first step to finding others to network with on the Internet. I make it quick and easy to post a picture on the site, and quick and easy to find new friends. Just put your cursor over a picture and you can see a larger photo and their profile.

Members of any blog or social networking web site are able to use to attract others. The service is free and there are no restrictions about links to other sites.

Boykin said the biggest attraction for visitors are the many pictures of pretty girls on the site. Visitors can post photos and create profiles at no charge. The goal is to create a collection of one million faces, according to Boykin.

Once a member posts a photo they can also begin to communicate with other members of the online community, and they are rewarded for sharing their new profile and photo with other people they already know.

After you sign up you will receive a unique linking code to send to your friends. If they click your link and join you will receive credit. The more credits you earn, the higher up your face will appear in the members area of It pays to tell your friends because the higher you appear the more prominent your picture will be displayed on the home page, said Boykin.

A popularity system ranks the pictures on the site based on how many are made on each photo by visitors. The photo with the most clicks is prominently displayed in a special box on the Members Page. The photo of the person with the most sign ups, the newest member, and one random member are also displayed in special boxes.

Our members love to shop for new friends on our site and then begin sending messages to each other through our service. It’s a fun social experience, and it’s safe, said Boykin.

Jerome Boykin is the creator of, a social networking web site. Membership is free and all services are free. Members can post a picture for others to see, and are granted credits for getting others to sign up. The goal of the project is to accumulate one million pictures of faces.

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