One Way of Losing that FAT

The very first thing you should do, just to be on the safe side is to contact your doctor just to see if it’s okay to start exercising but if you think you’re healthy enough then there is no need to go down that road. Your objective is to lose the weight, so psych yourself to begin something, which you haven’t done for sometime… “EXERCISE!” This word is going to make you look SLIM and… YOUNG AGAIN.
What you are about to read… helped me. I was overweight for years, then one day I decided to get rid of the “FAT” because I got fed-up with a potbelly, wearing clothes that felt too tight on me. So I started to exercise for 10 minutes per day but I also reduced my food intake by nearly half. For example, before I started exercising – I use to eat six yummy sandwiches for lunch back then but when I started exercising I cut right back to eating only three sandwiches. When my wife served up pie and chips, a couple of rounds of bread and butter – I would skip the bread and butter and that is how I created a “NEW DIET” for myself by cutting down on the food. Another example is the Sunday roast; have less roast potatoes, less vegetables, half the amount of meat on your plate – you won’t starve by doing this and you will save some money in the long run. Another thing to do, drink plenty of water before and after exercising. If you drink alcohol during your socialising time, drink in moderation at night times.
TIP: Beer and lager will put weight on, try to avoid if possible or take in moderation.
If that is too severe for you to take to start off with, then do a graduation of food reduction. You can acquire nutrition spread sheets for your diet if you want to be safe on reducing your food intake, like getting rid of some of the fatty stuff even though you don’t need to cut out everything but only in stages… to become more healthier and fitter by far.
The exercise regime I used was simple, switched a radio on to listen to music or some days had the television on depending on what exercise I was doing. If you got an exercise bike then watching the TV is a good idea to pass the time peddling away.
The next thing is standing partly naked in front of a mirror to put the body through a series of movements. The reason for the mirror is to see how the body reacts to your movements but also to see the muscles working all over.
The movements would vary during the 10 minutes
a) I would punch air.
b) Swing my arms in different directions.
c) Counting so many moves at a time.
Arm movements are good especially for your chest and arm muscles, apart from your stomach.
There is so many ways of using your arms to strengthen your muscles
a) Stretching upwards and over.
b) Downwards.
c) Across.
d) Inwardly and so on.
Don’t forget you can move your legs in different ways at the same time when moving your arms to help with your fitness.
You can if you want to, sit down and do your arm movements while watching the television. One of the most active ways of getting the stomach tighten up, is using a rowing machine for 10 minutes.
a) Other ways are sit-ups.
b) Touching your toes.
c) Running on the spot.
d) Even running round a local park for 10 minutes or more.
Each session can be different, not the same otherwise it might start to become boring, so vary the exercises but stick to the 10 minutes each time without a rest… don’t forget!
Do as many different movements in 10 minutes as possible. If you can perspire after 10 minutes, you’ll start to lose weight, not a lot to start with but a graduation in the reduction of body fat.
REMEMBER: To document your weight every day or every week… just to keep track.
To move the process along a bit faster after a few weeks, I increased the time to 12 minute sessions then went on to 15 minutes until I got to the point of doing 20 minutes of exercise every four days instead of every day which isn’t necessary.
I know many people find exercising boring, however, if you want to lose that inch then you got to put up with the pinch.
You’re probably saying, “when is a good time to do exercise?” I found the best times for me was during a wash or shower but anywhere or any time you can exercise when you got the spare time or being in the mood to get your body back into shape.
As time goes on you will get to enjoy exercising and it will become more natural to your every day life. After a couple of months, the “FAT” will start to fall off, trust me, it will. And that is it, the “MAGIC” of it – to see a difference in yourself – the actual formula of losing that ugly flab that surrounds so many people in this world today.
It’s so SIMPLE to know this but do people want to know or want to bother… I don’t know.
This method of losing weight is not just losing the FAT but gaining a better physique at the same time. Some diets are just for losing the weight, my way is getting a better shape in the process… believe me! Once you reach this point and you’re happy with the way you look, you can carry on exercising but don’t be too strict on the way you do it, unless of course you start eating more which you will find when your body improves in shape.
There is no need to go to expensive clubs or exercise classes to lose weight. The way of exercising here is just one way to lose weight, there are other methods of course but they can be exhausting to say the least. And in the coming months you will be able to wear clothes wrapped round your shapely hips with your chin up high, sunbathe on a beach to your heart’s content, walk to the shops partly naked showing off you great physique – that’s what being slim is all about… looking good.
Equipment Radio, television, mirror, weighing scales. (Exercise bike and a rowing machine if possible but not necessary)
Exercise 10 minutes per day for a few weeks then work up to 12 minutes and so on until you reach 20 minutes every 4 days per week.
Food intake Cut by nearly half if possible from the start or a graduation to that level. (Drink plenty of water)
I hope this short informative outlook on weight lose will be of some help to you if you are serious about losing weight. It isn’t an easy thing for most of us to undertake because most of us are set in our ways and to break away from a habit can be a bit difficult but look on the bright side of things… it can be rewarding in the end. Have a good one.