Online Communities for Stay at Home Moms

I know that there are dozens of stay at home moms just like me, who need a place where they can go to vent or make friends. When you have small children it can be very difficult to have any kind of life at all. You spend most of you day’s changing diapers, playing baby games, talking baby talk, ect. But did you know that there are several places online that cater to stay at home moms.

There are even websites that can help you to earn money online. You wont get rich, but you can make a little extra spending money for yourself or your kids. One of my most favorite websites is The online community here is great. They post-new telecommuting jobs everyday. Also they have a message board with a wide variety of topics. They have everything from mystery shopping, to business ideas. Or if you are just in the mood to chitchat with other moms you can do that too. I have found this website to be a great place to exchange various parenting tips and ideas. You can also meet other mom’s who have the same interest as you, and live in the same area. The websites is owned and operated by a stay at home mom named Cheryl. She is wonderful and very helpful. If you already have an at home business you can even advertise it here.

Another great website for moms is the International Moms Club their website address is They are a great support group designed by moms for moms. This site helps you to get your own chapter or club started in your own area. Which is of course a great way for you to get out the house and meet other moms. They give you a guide, which helps you step by step to find other moms in your area. They have 2000 plus chapters and over 100,000 members. T his is a great resource if you really want to get out and arrange playgroups for your kids, and just socialize.

Getting back to the online communities another great place to go is Now I know what your thinking, isn’t’ this just a place to get coupons or something. Well it offers so much more. They have tons of tips and advice on numerous topics, interviews with nutrition experts that you can listen to online. Fun tools, which have an online activity playhouse, a virtual room creator, online games and fun for you and your child. Sharing space, which features a weekly newsletter and message board where you can share your thoughts and ideas with other moms. They also have online coupons of course, and special contests that you can enter. This is a great place to talk to experts, and other parents about anything. It can also help to guide those moms who are expecting through a healthy and happy pregnancy, with all kinds of great nutritional tips. is yet another one of my favorite websites to visit. This is a great place to go if you are not sure what to feed your baby and when to start. They guide you from first starting solids to advancing on to bigger and yummier things. They also have coupons, and online contest. Also there is an area just for breastfeeding tips, and suggestions. Especially for those who may be contemplating returning to work, or even what to do when you are going on a long trip and are still nursing. My favorite part of this website is the Parents Resource Center, where you can ask an expert any question 24/hrs a day. It’s like having a doctor at you beck and call everyday all day. What mom does not like that idea.

Whether you are a first time mom, or an expert we can all use a little advice from time to time. And of course we all need an outlet, especially when you are stressed out from a long hard day with the kids. Listed above are only a few of the many online communities that are there to help and support moms. These just happen to be my favorites. However listed on each of these websites are links to more websites for stay at home moms. It will probably take you a while to go through them all and find the one that you really like. But this is a great way to relax while the kids are taking there nap or finally in bed for the night. So when you get a chance sit down relax and take a little mommy time for you.

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