Online Dating: Guide to Equestrian Lovers Niche Sites

Do you love horses? Are you looking for that perfect cowboy or cowgirl? Do you love the country? If you are a country gal or guy by nature and love all things equestrian, the following dating sites might be your key to online romance with someone who also likes horses. Rated from one star to five, I analyzed the following online equestrian dating sites from the perspective of someone browsing the web to choose one to use. I did not sign up for any services, so these comments are simply based on initial observation of what the websites presented to potential members.

See my other published content for more niche dating sites. There are many different types of them out there.

Equestrian Singles
Equestrian Singles ****- Not just a dating website but an overall great resource for those who love all things horses. Register for free and search through hundreds of fellow equestrian enthusiasts, make some friends, maybe some lovers and find out about special events for Equestrian Singles all over the United States. There is also a classifieds section to buy and sell items and services and also an option to chat or use the message board. As the site proclaims, it does appear that Equestrian Singles is “More than just matchmaking”

Equestrian Cupid
Equestrian Cupid ***- This site seems a little more focused on the single lifestyle and meeting new people for the sake of romance than the above mentioned equestrian site. While this site has resources as well and information on the horse world, the homepage summary appears to reach out to the lonely a bit more. Cool opportunity to create your own horse greeting card for free.

Horse Lovers Connection
Horse Lovers Connection– * This site did not seem as sincere as the other Equestrian sites, as the only things you can really do for free is send a wink and post and browse profiles. In order to read messages in your box or send them you must be a paying member. $20 for 30 days or $45 for 90 days. The photos posted also are quite blurry and it is difficult to make out what anyone looks like. However, on the plus side, didn’t seem to be too strict about the singles loving horses exclusively- they tend to imply they are just looking for singles who live and love that whole country lifestyle. First line of homepage copy stresses the site is “G” rated.

Cowboy Singles
Cowboy Singles– * Very basic site, and not a huge database but it has potential. From the pictures it seems to be for more active and aggressive cowboys and cowgirls. The logo features two old western revolvers facing one another in place of “dot” in the, to give you an idea of the aura of the site. Post a picture and browse (short) profiles for free but it appears that you have to sign up for membership in order to contact anyone. It is one of those scenarios where it tells you to fill out your basic contact info and then says submit and continue, which usually means that you will “continue” on to a site that will ask your credit card number. This may not be the case with this site, but point being, i strayed away from going further into it because of the fear of getting tons of email from the site begging me to sign up with a credit card.

Love Horse UK
Love Horse UK– **** Professional and straightforward site for lovers of “equestrians and the countryside” all over the world. This website was developed nicely, with crisp, sophisticated pictures and the site itself gives off a feeling of maturity. Seems like a real community oriented site, but you do have to pay, like most of them, to write or read messages. However, unlike some of the other sites I’ve described, this one is right up front about the fees and what a paid or unpaid membership entails. To me, this sincerity says a lot about the quality of the service you’ll be getting.

Cowboy Cowgirl
Cowboy Cowgirl– **** The few times I tried to get this site to load, there were some problems with the graphics, so I couldn’t get the full effect, but the homepage features a studly looking cowboy with a subtle focus on his manly bulge and this site too, seems pretty straightforward and sincere. One huge plus is that while most other sites make you pay to contact or receive contact either way, in terms of messages, this one allows you to read and reply to messages you get so this way only one countrygirl/boy has to sign up for an account. What a deal! and hey, maybe if they hit it off, the one who got out of the fee can pay for an extra round of drinks!

Horse Lovers Central Personals
Horse Lover’s Central– ***** Horse Lovers Central is a directory of free classifieds with everything imaginable related to horses including events, and of course, personals. It is free to browse and post but to get into the depths of the site you must sign up for a free membership. This is a great source of information for new horse lovers and equestrian masters alike.

Horse Lovers Connect
Horse Lovers Connect– ***** This site looks the most put together of all of them I’ve looked at so far in the Equestrian Genre. It’s got your classic picture of a good looking man and woman making googly eyes at eachother on the homepage and it has nice colors and a nice layout. This gives me the impression that it is one of the more successful of the equestrian sites. It is offering one year free full membership, not sure how long, but if this is your type of site, snatch that up. This site also warns of its strictly “G” rated content.

Horse Wanted Personal Ads
Horse Wanted– * Personal ads free. only 11 ads listed and all cowgirls seeking cowboys. not real impressive and all the ads sound the same.

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