Online Educational Opportunities

The internet offers many wonderful educational resources for anyone wishing to take advantage of them. Free courses and study materials can be found for everything from GED preparation and study to practice tests for a CDL. Need to brush up on your math or mechanical skills to increase your chances of being promoted? Maybe you’d like to learn about something new such as financial investing or you can find free assistance on the web. Many of these opportunities are offered by accredited colleges and universities and you can earn a certificate of completion, diploma or degree upon completion of their programs.

If you are interested in taking an online course, there are several websites to visit that offer free classes so you can see if this is option may be something you would like to invest more time and money in. Most free courses do not offer degrees or diplomas. They merely present you with an opportunity to learn.

There are also many free websites that offer practice tests in a wide array of subjects. There are GED practice tests, SAT and ACT practice tests and even practice tests for US citizenship and civil or postal exams. These practice sites are a wonderful way to hone your skills in a field you are already knowledgeable in. They are also a huge help to anyone who freezes up when taking a test.

For those people who are more interested in online learning or distance learning to earn an actual degree or diploma, you should plan on investing a minimum of $100 for a class. Many distance learning colleges such as Thompson Direct offer distance learning in which you receive your study materials by mail and then you can take tests and exams online via their website. You can plan on investing a much larger sum of money for a program offering a complete program such as the ones offered by Thompson Direct. You can even earn an associates degree in many fields such as accounting or Applied Computer Science. This is an accredited school that offers a very experienced staff, current training materials and a hotline to answer questions for students.

Walden University offers online or distance learning programs in the medical fields. This University even offers Master and Doctorate degrees for students. They are accredited by the Higher Learning Association and recognized by the United States Department of Education. Applicants must meet certain requirements to be accepted into their rigorous programs and the fees for classes is quite a bit more than lesser accredited institutions.

Classes USA website is a wealth of information about online programs offered by accredited higher education institutions and can help you with your investigations into the right program for you. They group their programs by category and make navigating through the website very easy. You can easily check out programs from over a dozen different colleges and universities from this website.

If you are interested in signing up for online courses remember to examine them thoroughly before registering or paying for your courses. Many programs are not accredited and sometimes credits cannot be transferred to future educational institutions you may choose to attend.

You should also consider financial expense when applying. Make sure you know exactly what the cost is and what it covers. Many programs offer financial aid programs or monthly installment plans to assist it’s student body with tuition and other fees.

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