Online Games for Infants

Every parent who is a computer user probably has had on more than one occassion an infant in their arms while surfing the Internet. At first this is easy when the infant is really small but as they grow this can become a challenge. Infants love to bang on keyboards, play with the mouse, and generally disrupt Mom and Dad while they are trying to work on the computer. Luckily for parents there are onlin games for infants. These games are geared toward their age group. Here is a closer look at some of the online games for infants.

Fisher-Price’s website has plenty of online games for infants. They have three games that feature peek-a-boo, three that are surprise games, and one coloring book.

There is no special keyboard or equipment needed to play. All you will need is one very curious baby.

The Baby Smartronic Peek-a-boo online game for infants shows a character onscreen when any key on the keyboard is tapped. Sometimes another window can pop open depending which keys are hit like the close window for Internet Explorer. Simply click somewhere to else to close the window and click back to the playing area to resume the peek-a-boo game. The Bright Expressions Peek-a-boo online game for infants is similiar to Smartronics but adds more sound to the game. Sparkling Symphony Peek-a-boo streams music into the peek-a-boo game.

The Surprise! online games will show which letter is pressed. There are three versions which are the Baby Smartronic, Bright Expressions, and Sparkling Symphony Surprise. The differences in game play are similiar to the differences in game play for the peek-a-boo versions.

Finally, there is the Tap and Color! infant online game. Choose your coloring page and then by tapping letters fill in the colors for the picture. You will need to install Flash to play this game.

From the Noggin channel, there are a slew on online games that are tailored to the younger crowd. While these games aren’t as elementary as the games at Fisher-Price, they can be good games for parents to play along with baby. The Noggin games are listed by show, so if your child has a favorite Noggin show you can check out which games are associated with it. is another fine Internet resource for online games for infants. Boowa and Kwala is the section for children ages 0-6. There is plenty to see and to do on

While these are good sources of online games for infants, my favorite would have to be Fisher-Price only because of the simplicity of the games allow for the baby to “play” the game. While repetition is good for babies, for adults it can lead to boredom. The Fisher-Price games are entertaining but for only so long. Your infant may also wish to move on to different games after a while. All of these online resources should give your infant plenty to do with her computer time.

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