Online High Schools
A couple of Online High Schools that are very reputable are American Virtual High School, and James Madison High School ( I used American Virtual High School and it really helped me a lot. How do these programs work though you ask? Well they start you off in whatever courses it is you need than you go through them, either by reading online texts or sending you to a website where you can read whatever it is they have there for you to read, than you take a test or finish an assignment on whatever it is you read. It’s really easy, unless you don’t read what it is you’re required to read. You need to want to do the work and get through the courses if you want to graduate, just like an ordinary High School. Many programs require to then take an exam at the end to make sure you did all of the work and didn’t cheat. This is a good way to see who actually did the work and who fooled around.
While these programs might not be for everyone, they certainly do help. Anyone that tells you that Home Study Programs are for special people or people who don’t have any friends or are just retarded are wrong. Many people that graduated from American Virtual High School and James Madison have went off to Universities and gotten good jobs. They provide you with a diploma and everything. They are perfectly normal and you can continue on with your life while you do this work. You’re just not in a classroom with other peers, which can be distracting at times also, so working in a quiet environment can be a better experience for the person engaging in the courses online.