Online Ways to Get Rid of or Receive Unwanted Items

One place that has this type of information is at You join a particular group of people, depending upon where you live, and receive regular email from the group. The emails will let you know when things are available from other members of the group. Or, you can choose to log into the site to see what’s available or post an unwanted item.
Joining these types of groups is normally free. A person posts an unwanted item to the group and an email goes out to everyone in the area, telling them the details. Once someone responds to the post, stating that they would like the item, the details are worked out between the giver and recipient.
The recipient will then make arrangements to go to the giver’s home, business, or another location to retrieve the goods. It’s generally the responsibility of the recipient to pay any fees, such as renting a truck for hauling, gas money and other traveling fees.
To begin, you’ll go to a web site that offers the exchange program and locate your particular country. Some of these places only service the U.S., others offer the services abroad. After locating your country, choose your region. At that point you can sign up for the group that accommodates your area of the country or state.
Don’t be afraid to list anything and everything you want rid of because someone, somewhere, may want it. Even if something doesn’t work someone may be able to fix and use it. Even if something is torn, stained, missing pieces – someone could still use it. These groups have a great success rate with people finding new homes for their old stuff.
Each group has a local moderator that volunteers for the job and is paid nothing. If a member steps out of line, such as dropping by a giver’s residence unannounced, you report it to the moderator and the person is removed from the list. It is, however, up to each individual to protect his or her own privacy and safety. If you’re uncomfortable having others come to your home arrange to meet them in a public place. If the item you’re giving is large you can possibly arrange to take the item to the recipient’s home in exchange for some monetary consideration. (It’s against the rules to actually sell the item)
Check these online resources and you’ll find that it’s much easier to get rid of junk than what you thought. And, if you’re in need of an item desperately you just might find exactly what you’re looking for at a reasonable price – free.