Ontario Anti Smoking Law 1

Anti Smoking Law

The following is a blog I wrote some time ago. Though a bit dated (the law came into effect June 1 of this year) I thought it would give some readers a bit of a background as to what smokers are up against. More tales of this insane law will follow and hopefully smokers will see that although we are down right now, we are not out and can still have this law changed.

I have been following the debates about the pros and cons of banning smoking across the country, specifically Ontario. It seems no one really seems to have all the facts on this and no one really knows what these laws amount to.

The government is adamant about forcing this law down our throats, come hell or high water. Why else would they announce public hearings into the matter with only two days notice of them? Why would these hearings be held in places like Toronto and Oshawa, instead of where they might affect the most people, like Tillsonburg or Aylmer?

Why did it take the folks from Mychoice.ca to get access to government information under the Freedom of Information Act? What has the government got to hide? Why do they want to hide it?

Why is the government willing to lose the business and tax revenue it collects from bingoes, charity halls, casinos and bars and restaurants and answer with such an arrogant response as that given by Ms Pupatello when told that she will lose up to $350 million in tax revenues in Windsor alone?

What is wrong with the system that is in place now, that of Designated Smoking Rooms to keep the two factions of this debate apart?

Where will the money come from to make up the shortfall in taxes that smokers now pay?

Mychoice.ca has an excellent website that both smokers and non-smokers should look at if they want all the facts.

There are only 6 months left before this act becomes law. The sooner you know all the facts behind it, the better.

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