Organize Your Files Using Binders

If you have a family there are always documents that need to be sorted and filed away. You will need to file everything from your medical records, to your bills that you have paid. Usually at the end of each year you will go through these files and get rid of the items that you don’t need. Many have chosen to use hanging files to sort their documents, however I have found that binders can often work better. Below you will find five benefits to using binders to help you organize your personal files.
1. Page protect your documents
With the binders you can use the page protectors to keep your papers neat and organized. What often happens when you use hanging files is that some of the papers get smashed and crinkled. This may not be good for your important documents. It can also cause your papers to get lost if they are smashed in the bottom of the folders. If you use the page protectors in the binder your papers are neat, easy to read, and easy to find.
2. Tabbed organization
Yes, you can use tabs with folders, but with a binder you can divide each section. For example one section can have your medical bills, and another section have your insurance paperwork. Page dividers with tabs seem to work best. When it’s time to find something that you need you just flip through the pages and it will be right at your finger tips.
3. One binder for each family member
You can also divide up the paper work for each family member. For example if you have children you can give the4m each a binder to hold their personal information like their medical records. As children get older, you will usually have a lot more paperwork that you will want to save. Even their report cards you will want to save until they have graduated.
4. Easy to store in a fire proof safe
You can easily store your binders in a medium to large size safe. This way in case of fire, you will still be able to have all of the important documents that you need. Just be sure you take the time to properly label your binders, to make it easier to find the items you need.
5. Pictures can be stored easier
Storing pictures in a hanging file folder can ruin, your pictures. By placing them in a sheet protected binder you will be able to keep your pictures, neat and organized. They will also be easier to find when you need them.