Organize Your Garage

Once you have a good size box of similar items, take them downstairs. If you find more items that belong in the box, set the item in the box downstairs. Don’t completely go over board and spend all night and day cleaning out the garage. There’s no time limit on this and you can take your time. Do about 1/4 of the garage each day and then take a day off. Eventually the garage will be cleaned out. You want to take your time and make sure that you don’t create more problems in the home with clutter and boxes of items everywhere.
Once you get the items cleaned out you will need to sweep the floor and clean up the spider webs. You will want to go out and purchase shelves to place all of your items on. Keep all similar items together and keep them in a particular order. This will clear up a lot of space and then the garage will be more organized. You will need to purchase as many shelves as you have stuff. If you need more shelves, go out and purchase more of them. Farm N Fleet has a lot of different shelves that you can purchase.
The most important thing is to keep things together. If you leave one item somewhere else, it will probably be the item that you need and can no longer find. The key to organizing is taking your time and placing everything where it belongs. If you are in a rush you will not place everything where it needs to be. Once everything is organized you will want to keep it this way to avoid this happening again in the future.