Organize the Bathroom – Improve Your Life

It’s seven in the morning. You are trying to get ready for work and you can’t find your favorite eye shadow. You know you put it in the drawer yesterday, but now, it’s gone. Finally you give up, go with something different, and still find yourself five minutes late getting out the door. Now your whole day seems rushed and you haven’t even gotten to work yet!

Sound familiar?

There is a solution. Organize your bathroom. An organized bathroom will give you control in the morning, a peaceful start to your day, and most importantly, peace of mind. You will know what you have, and where you have it. Organizing is easier than you think and takes less time than you might imagine. First, take everything out of the drawers, the cabinets, and the shelves. When you remove it all, you can take stock of what you have. If your bathroom is very small, you might need to do just the drawers, then the cabinets, then the shelves, if you have shelves.

When everything is cleared out, clean your storage areas. This is important because when you put your items back, it is much nicer to put them on clean surfaces. Once that is done, it is time to purge the clutter. Everything that is out of date, toss. Anything you never use, like that perfume you got as a gift but never wear, toss. The lotion that smelled so good at the store, but at home smells too sweet or just ‘wrong’, toss.

Once the junk is gone, look at what is left. Group like items together. Makeup, first aid supplies, lotions, razors, hair care, and perfume are some of the groupings you might have. Combine items in whatever way makes the most sense to you. Now is the time to consider baskets, boxes, or mini shelves. These can help you keep like items corralled together, and when you need that fancy perfume, it is not lost in a bunch of other clutter. There are stores devoted to containers and organizing, but you can find little boxes or shelves at your local discount store. However, you do not have to buy new items. A simple shoe box can hold your stuff. It all depends on what works best for you.

Once you have grouped items together and decided on your containers, look at what you rarely use. Those items should be in the very back of your storage space. What do you use every day? Those items need a home on the counter, or in the front of the space. Putting your everyday items where you can easily reach them will shave minutes off your morning routine.

An organized bathroom is the best way to get your day off to a good start. A good start brightens your mood and a bright mood improves your life. So, get control of your day, your mood and your life; organize your bathroom.

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