Organize the Space Under Your Kitchen Sink

The area underneath the kitchen sink is probably the most unorganized space in just about every household. A catchall for cleaning supplies, dish sponges, watering cans, and dish towels, the space under the kitchen sink is typically a black hole of misused and/or underutilized space. Here are some tips to organize the space under your kitchen sick and start taking advantage of the extra space you have right at your fingertips.

Clean it out. The first step to organizing the space under your sink is to take everything out of it. Completely clean out the cabinet and give it a quick clean. You may find that there are old cleansers and other trash taking up space that really should be thrown out.

Remove excess packaging. The next step is to remove any excess packaging from the items you keep under your sink. For instance, f you have a three pack of sponges, go ahead and take off the plastic outer wrapping. Excess packaging just takes up extra space, and often ends up getting left behind in under your sink even after the product is long gone.

Get some tools. If you really want to keep your under the sink area organized, you need some sliding wire or plastic baskets. Two of these baskets fit well on either side of the plumbing under your sink and allow you to keep items all the way back to the back wall of your cabinet. Then when you need something from the back, you just slide the basket out to access it. This allows you to use all of the space under your sink, not just the easy to reach front half. Here is an example of the baskets.

Simplify your cleaning routine. One of the best ways to keep the under the sink area organized is to eliminate some of the items stored beneath it. For instance, if you keep glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner, disinfecting wipes, stainless steel cleaner, and furniture polish all under your sink, considering finding a multi-purpose cleaner that could eliminate one or more of the items you need to store.

Only store waterproof items. An important way to keep the area under your sink clean and organized is to only store waterproof items there. Plastic bottles, watering cans, etc are fine, but if you store dish towels or rags beneath the sink you may find that they get damp and will start to give off an odor after extended storage in that area.

The cabinet area underneath your kitchen sink can be an organized and very useful storage area. Follow these tips to get yours into shape today.

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