Organized Ways of Using Baby Product Samples

Were you one of those expectant mothers who collected every free sample at every baby store and fair? Did you also sign up to receive as much baby related mail as possible in hopes of obtaining even more of those little packets you were sure you would need and use? I could not walk near a baby super store or even a baby department without scanning tables and aisles for free packets, samples and trial size products. At my baby showers my dutiful friends loaded me up with even more miniature bottles and tubes of ‘travel’ products for our impending arrival. When my beautiful little girl was born I wisely went to use my stash of samples for her first sponge bath and was presented with a new problem-gooey half-used packets of stuff smearing all over my child’s brand new furniture and my counter-tops.

Since I was too stubborn to get rid of the lot (and really still too attached due to my scavenging work), I found ways to use the tubes, packets and tiny bottles of product without the mess. I even saved some money while trying out a plethora of products.

Avoid over-soaping the baby as well as leaving a sticky mess in the bathroom by squeezing the packets and bottles of baby wash into a foaming pump dispenser or a multi-function baby scrubber tool. Make sure you use just one type at a time to avoid irritating your baby’s skin as well as to avoid creating a funky scented wash or a dangerous chemical reaction. This not only saves money by not overusing baby wash but it also eliminates the sticky soapy mess on the side of your tub from half used packets.

Another way to use some of those packets, especially if you are leery of using scented products on your babe or you do not have enough of the same type to fill a dispenser, is to use them for hand washing your delicates. The lavender washes make an especially pleasant scented and gentle wash for the lacy under things you can finally wear again after enduring months of granny panties and nursing bras.

With the plethora of conflicting information about baby powder safety, sometimes it pays to err on the side of caution. The good news is that baby powder is great for soaking up greasy stains. Sprinkle some on the grease stains then brush it off before you treat and wash.

Even diaper rash cream packets can go beyond one use – put diaper rash creams in a small jar with a tight fitting lid. Former cosmetic sample containers work well. Make sure the jar you use has been thoroughly cleaned before use. Dip out the cream with a clean finger or cotton swab to prevent bacteria growth, and use just one brand at a time.

Eliminate the slippery baby syndrome by placing the lotion in a dispenser with a pump. Use one brand and fragrance of lotion at a time. A jar also works well and is great for the product left at the bottom of a bottle that the pump just can not reach.

Make life easier for yourself and stash a set of travel size products at each Grandparents house-you know you will be spending plenty of time there anyway. Concerned about allergies? Keep an empty packet with the product information in a clear plastic sandwich bag until you have used up the sample. You will not only have the brand name but also a list of all the ingredients just in case. On a final note, if you happen upon a product that irritates your baby do not use it on yourself or your own clothes especially if you are breastfeeding and contact your doctor. Samples are those treasures you thought they could be; just eliminate the mess and have fun trying them all.

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