Organizing Tips for Homes on a Low Budget!

Have you ever thought about using some products that were made for something specific, to use them for something else? I haev a 7 year old and a 2 year old so we have guys (power rangers, soldiers, and others). I have stepped on those guys so many times in the middle of the night or early morning. So, I went out a bought a shoe holder that goes over the door. It is inexpensive and you can find one that is clear so the kids know exactly where a specific toy is located in the many pockets. You can use this for t-shirts, socks, stuffed animals, just about anything in a child’s room and it will be organized. You can find this item in most department stores for under $5.00. You might even be able to find one at a local dollar store.

Another item that I think is great is a different kind of shoe organizer with 7 or 8 large pockets and it has velcro on the very top to wrap around the pole in the closet. This is excellent to help keep your child organized also, put it in the front closet and mark the front of them with the days of the week. If your child has brought a book home from the library and it needs to be returned on a specific day, put it in the day that you have marked so, in the morning, they can peek at the organizer and grab the book so it is not late. You can also lay out their clothes and put them in the cubby so they get the independence of getting dressed themselves and you are not rushing in the morning for a pair of socks. This item is located in a department store by the ironing boards, and laundry items.

We received a label maker in our Christmas stocking and it has come in pretty handy. You can find one at a department store for under $8.00 in the stationary department. Then, make your way to the clear containers aisle and find small containers to put and label craft items, bathroom items, travel items and anything else that you might find around the home. Put the containers in the closet with the label facing out and you are on your way to a more efficient and organized home. They say organized people are just too lazy to look for things, I think we just like to make our life more simple.

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