Organizing Your Kitchen

First you what to start with the draws. The draws you place your spoons, knives, and forks in should be in order. Cooking ware should be placed on a rack or a container standing up. Any lids or tupperware should be organized and they seel tupperware holders to make it neat and save space. The cabinets should have boxes on one shelf, cans on another, and bottles on the last shelf. Maybe you have a pantry that has more room which is great so you could have bigger items on bottom and smaller items on top. Medium sized items can be placed in middle. Potatoes and onions can be placed in a container with a lid and label it. Label everything you place in containers. This way you can find it fast. Date it also so you know when you bought it and when it may go bad. Pots and pans sometimes people place these in their oven. Guess what you can know buy a rack to place hanging from your ceiling and you can place them all on it. What a great way to save cabinet space. It looks nice and neat too. It is the style these days so do not feel embarrassed having your pans and pots hanging in your ceiling.
Under the sink we usually place our soaps and buckets and cleaning products and that is ok. Straighten them out if you can buy a small but tall tupperware so you can stand it up and they all won’t fall over each other. Make sure if you have small children cabinets, draws, and pantries have child proof safety locks. You can purchase them at Home Depot, or Walmart. Some reasons why you should and want to organize are:
Keeps everything looking neat and organized.
Saves time when you are trying to find something
Your family will think you are a neat person.
It does not take much to spend a few hours cleaning and organizing really. Some people are not organized or don’t want to spend time with making everything look much nicer. That is ok but if you do want to organize than read this article and you will know how to. Some items to buy to make your organizing better are:
Totes for the bigger items on the bottom of the cabinets.
Tupperware small or larger for items.
Mesh bags for the onions, potatoes, and tomatoes.
For your mail and incoming and outgoing mail you can buy a small box near your door and place it there. Have a key holder on the wall for your keys. Keys are so easy to lose. The brooms and household mops can be stored on a rack in a small closet or in the kitchen. You can buy this at any household store like Walmart and Kmart. You can hang up a lot on them. It can fit mops, brooms, dusters, and some come with bucket holders. They are a great use for saving space. Your kitchen should now be all set and organized. You will feel much better about looking through it all instead of closing everything up and hiding the big mess. Just do it little by little and it will stay organized. Thank yourself.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design