Organizing a Small Kitchen

Do you have a small kitchen? If so I know how difficult it can be to get it organized. I have lived in apartments most of my life, and the kitchens are almost impossible to get organized in a way that is functional. Once it gets unorganized it is time to start over. These are steps that I take when I want to get a small kitchen organized.
Begin by getting boxed for donating, selling or trash. As you are going through everything it will make it more convenient to separate as you go. It will also prevent you from having a lot of things stacked on your cabinets that do not have a lot of room.
- Make a place on the counter or on a table for everything you will keep. Make a place to keep everything separated.
Clean off your cabinets and place the item in its place. If you are anything like I am you have things on your counter that goes in every other room of the house. Get all of that off of your counter and take it to where it belongs so that you do not have miscellaneous things set everywhere. It makes much less work later.
Next you can start with all of your cabinets and drawers in your small kitchen. Remove absolutely everything and separate it as you go. As you are removing everything ask yourself if it is ever uses, if it works, and if it is expired. If you are trying to organize a small kitchen you need to get rid of things that are not needed.
- This is the time to get all of the cabinets, drawers, counters, and kitchen items cleaned.
Go to stores such as The Container Store to find space saving products and ideas. I love what is available for organizing a small kitchen today. If you are not able to purchase these things you can do a search for space saving ideas to find things that you can do without spending a lot of money.
Finally place everything back in cabinets using the most convenient places. Be sure to stack items conveniently and place older food items towards the front so that you can use them first. You should also place the most used items where it is easy to reach, and the items you do not use often further back.
Other tips to organize a small kitchen:
- Make use of the empty space on top of the cabinets for storage
- Place unused appliances in other storage areas of your home if you are able
- Use every empty space in your small kitchen; top of refrigerator, back of doors,
- Purchase under cabinet items like radio, can opener, microwave, spice rack, etc.
- Add extra space by using magnetic strips on your wall or by purchasing small shelving