Organizing the Chronically Disorganized

What You Need:
- Attractive bin at least 8″ x 11″ wide and 6″ deep
- Filing box
How to Implement the Best Way to Organize Papers:
Place your large container near the front door and throw any and all mail, documents and other paperwork you might later need into this one spot. This method is very effective because when you need something, you will know exactly where to find it – it’s all in the “One-Spot.”
When the box becomes full, go through it and throw away everything that it turns out you really don’t need, including duplicate bills. The most recent bills and other items that need to be addressed in the near future, put back into the one spot. All you will be left with are the items you may need long-term.
Do not bother to sort through these items. Simply move them as is into a “Long-Term One-Spot,” which generally will be a filing cabinet or your filing box. You may now rest easy knowing that if you need any one of those items, you will know exactly where it is.
When you find the time, the best way to organize papers and long term items is to move them into a few manageable and discrete files. I suggest creating files for the following:
- Taxes
- Legal Documents
- Receipts
- Miscellaneous
While some organizing authorities may suggest that you should immediately file documents into a complicated folder system, it isn’t the best way to organize papers for the busy and disorganized. People with organizational problems to begin with simply don’t have the time or patience to implement such systems. Not only does this system allow you to find any document in a matter of minutes, most importantly, the “One-Spot” method gives your mind what it needs – the freedom to work on more important tasks.
When you are evaluating the best way to organize papers, ease and peace of mind are the ultimate barometers. I’m sure you agree, the “One-Spot” Method is easily the best way to organize papers and all your other important documents.