Orlando Time Shares: How to Get Free Disney Tickets

Vacations, though wonderful and arguably necessary, are costly, especially so when that vacation takes place in a wonderland of ongoing entertainment, like Orlando, or Kissimmee, Florida. One usually leaves home with a budget in mind and then, more often than not finds something unexpectedly interesting to invest in and ends up splurging. “After all, we’re on vacation”, as the clichÃ?© goes. And the “we only go on vacation once every two years” excuse works just fine, but back at the home sweet home and working the long sweet long hours to compensate for blowing the vacation budget, we sometimes have regrets.

The Orlando, Florida area makes this a very likely situation, for now that Disney owns practically the whole state, there are theme parks for virtually any type of amusement you might have. And then if that weren’t enough, there’s Universal Studios moving in right behind them to compete and at least from experiencing the crowds of tourists at both parks as well as what I’ve heard through word of mouth, they aren’t doing so badly. So as exciting of a vacation getaway the Orlando area is, tourists often don’t get to experience or visit even half of the places they wanted to. Consequently, in a way, many might feel still anxious and maybe even unsatiated at the end of their vacation because they didn’t get to ride “Back to the Future” at Universal because the kids were not tall enough to ride, or perhaps they sacrificed MGM Studios, which includes (begrudgingly) the hit exhibit, “Muppet Show in 3D”, for daughter Mary’s desired for the Animal Kingdom theme park instead. And yes, of course there’s always the whole “maybe we’ll make a trip back next summer” deal, but unless you live within driving distance of the Orlando area, do you really want to spend another consecutive vacation amidst sweaty strangers with matching neon fanny packs and annoying bubble gum chewing habits? Probably not. If you choose Orlando as your dedicated vacation spot this year, plan carefully as you probably won’t be going back there for a while.

So you’re thinking, What’s next? There are so many amusement parks and themed dinner theatres, and other forms of entertainment to choose form starting at Disney and stretching as far as eating drumsticks with your hands at Medieval Times and the numerous variations of the “Las Vegas Buffet”. How do you choose and more importantly, how do you fit enough theme parks and entertainment in the schedule to make the vacation a fulfilling one with out essentially throwing your wallet to Shamu’s “in-heat” mate at Sea World?

Believe it or not, there is a way to visit a handful of amusement parks and entertainment events and at the end of each day, still have enough cash leftover to squander it without uneasiness on cheesy souvenirs like the theme imprinted pressed penny or the animal of your choice miraculously crafted in wax by a machine in less then three minutes. (If these novelty items don’t ring a bell with you, I assure you, at the end of y our Orlando amusement park vacation, they will). The situation, the truly incredibly unbelievable answer is simple: timeshares. Touring Timeshares. There is a massive market in timeshare touring by vacationing tourists in the Orlando area and it’s really a shame that more people aren’t too skeptical to take advantage of it.

Here’s the rundown:

Your Obligations- In order to receive your free gift, which in Orlando is usually your choice of either two tickets to any theme park or $80 cash, you and your spouse or significant other must agree to endure a 90 minute “presentation” which is really a hopeful tour introducing you to one of the hundreds of timeshare resorts in the Orlando/Kissimmee area. You typically will have to show up around 8am and sit and make small talk with a salesperson or two over coffee and occasionally, refreshments. This salesperson then walks you around the resort, showing off a couple rooms. There is absolutely zero pressure until the last 15 minutes, where even then, the discomfort is extremely mild. In this last 15 minutes, the salesperson has to give hi/her final pitch trying to entice you to invest by laying out payment plans and attempting to prove to you that you’d save tons of vacation money by purchasing. It’s really not that bad and you’ll usually be in a room with all the other tourists who just want a free gift. Expect to be interrupted every so often by announcements on a loudspeaker and some sort of loud bell or cheering signal to let everyone know that john and Mary smith from St. Louis just got sucked in.

How to squirm out of the sales conversation– This is easier than you’d probably presume. All you have to say is that you never make big decisions without thinking it over for at least a week or so. The salesperson will inform you that unless you decide on that day, you will lose the killer deal s/he is giving you. Simply maintain a firm tone of voice, look the salesperson in the eye and say I’m sorry but you will not be able to convince me. This is a big decision to make and I must mull it over.”

Reasons to not be afraid- This is really a lot easier than it sounds. Many people shy away from this sort of thing (I call it an adventure) because they don’t like wasting their time or being put on the spot. But what you need to consider is that cold sales are difficult and all salespeople know the return percentage is v very low. They simply want to expose as many people to their facility/product as possible because according to standard odds, a few people really will buy. Thus, they offer free gifts and monetary incentives to get you out there. But these people at the timeshare companies, especially in a place like Orlando, are fully aware that you really just want to go through the motions and walk away with your free loot. Thus, there is very little pressure.

How to get involved in a timeshare tour- When you are in the Orlando area, all you need to do is look around for little booths on the side of the road that proclaim “Free Disney Tickets” or “Free Universal Tickets” or something to that resort. They are all over the place when you get a couple highway exits away from the actual park locations and drive around the areas where roads and roads after roads of little hotels are. All you need to do is approach the person at this booth and tell them you are interested and they will set you up with a time and place to go. If you are really looking to save money, you can take advantage of a timeshare tour every morning, as each booth usually is marketing a different timeshare resort since there are so many in the area.

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