Osteoporosis : Cause – Prevention – Treatment

Osteoporosis a disease that effects four times more women, then men, over the age of 50 years old. In the United States 10 million Americans estimated to have Osteoporosis or 55 percent of people over the age of 50 years old. Often referred to as the “silent disease,” because bone loss occurs without symptoms. Bones become fragile, and more likely to break. This disease begins by low bone mass, and structural deterioration of bone tissue. The fracture of bones occurs typically in the hip, spine, and wrist. Hip fractures are most severe because they can lead to hospitalization, and surgery. Furthermore, can cause a patient to need assistance when walking. Also, can cause prolonged or permanent disability and possible lead to death. Fractures in the spine or vertebral can lead to loss of height, severe back pain, and deformity. Estimated that 34 Million Americans have increase risk of developing Osteoporosis. In 2002, Osteoporosis hip fractures total cost was $18 Billion Dollars. Certain people are more likely to develop this disease. The risk factors include: Inactivity lifestyle, cigarette smoking, excessive us of alcohol, over the age of 50 years old, Low bone mass, being Caucasian and Asian women increases the risk, having a small body frame, family history of Osteoporosis, Estrogen deficiency as a result of menopause, (following five to seven years after menopause, up to 20 percent of bone loss mass occurs), absences of menstrual periods, Anorexia nervosa, lifetime of low calcium intake, and Vitamin D deficiency (not enough sun light exposure). Also, taking certain types of medication, including those for treating chronic Diseases. Detection for Osteoporosis can be diagnosed through Bone Mineral Density tests.

Preventing this disease starts early in life, before the age of 30. Taking upon a combination of necessary steps, which includes balanced diet (eating fresh fruits, and vegetables) Consuming herbs that include parsley, dandelion leaves, nettles, kelp, and horsetail. Also, eating sardines, cheese, yogurt, salmon, chicken, tuna, and pumpkin seeds that are enriched with calcium and Vitamin D, and exercise (weight bearing, and resistance exercises, such as walking, dancing, jogging, tennis, stair-climbing, racquet sports and hiking). Keep in mind that certain substances reduce calcium in the body that includes caffeine, excess sugar, alcohol, salt, smoking, soft drinks and high protein diets. Taking bone density test periodically. Also, avoid taking certain types of drugs that increase risk of bone loss, includes: Thyroxin, antacids, Tamoxifen, and diuretics. Calcium is very important for bone development. Recommend for teenage girls 1300 milligrams (mg) per day, Women age 19 to 50 years old 1000 mg daily, and after age 50 take 1200 mg calcium daily. Otherwise, supplement taking 500 mg per day of calcium along with 500 mg magnesium per day. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Especially people that sweat heavily need more calcium and magnesium. Researchers in England concluded that drinking tea increases bone density by five percent greater then Non Tea drinkers.

Treatment for Osteoporosis starts with moderation in lifting weights, and Aerobic exercise. Preferably using a personal trainer, especially if you are over the age 50. Medication is available including, Zometa (generic name, Zoledronic acid), Actonel (generic name, Risedronate Sodium – lowered risk of new fractures in the spine by 65 – 74 Percent), and Fosamax (generic name, Alendronate – increases bone density over nine percent, after five years). Also, taking Hormone replacement therapy. Each of these medications have there own side effects, which has to be discussed with a physician. Eliminating for those patients smoking, and alcohol. Taking Vitamin D supplements. Injecting or by nasal spray Calcitonin-Salmon. This slows down bone loss, and increase spinal bone mass. Eat foods that contain calcium, such as mentioned in the prevention of Osteoporosis. Including milk, green leafy vegetables, shellfish, oysters, Brazil nuts, tofu, almonds, orange juice, and cereal products. Calcium supplements are available in tablet or liquid form. Horsetail tea contains rich amount of calcium, and sillica that help to form strong bones. Drinking three to four cups a week. Herbal remedy: Remifemin, a black cohosh-derived herbal, shown to have beneficial effect to prevent osteoporosis. Last option, surgery for the replacement of arthritis osteoporosis joint reconstruction hip fractures, followed by rehabilitation therapy.

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