Outdoor Decor Items You Can Use Indoors

Wall murals and rub-on wall appliques are easy to use and can be found online or at craft stores. They can be combined with others to make an entire scene of your choice. After placing them on the wall, detail the bottom of the wall with the fencing, an old gate, lattice or even a trellis.
Lattice can be used to make a very unique photo wall. Hold the lattice piece temporarily in place while you draw the small squares onto the wall, using the lattice as the template. Remove the lattice and tape the small pictures into each of the squares. Now hang the lattice and you’ll have a lovely set of photos with the lattice as the frames. Add flowers, lady bugs, vines, or other decor to the lattice work.
Chunks of wood outside? Don’t know what to do with them? Bring a couple of them indoors to set potted plants on. The chunks must be flat on the bottom and top. Shorter pieces will stand better than very tall pieces. Longer pieces can be used to make a corner plant arrangement in your home. Choose a corner and place the log across, leaving space behind the log for your arrangement. Arrange pea gravel, colored rocks, cacti, or silk flowers to make a lovely rock and flower garden. It’s an especially nice look if you live in a log cabin.
Something similar can be done on a smaller scale, behind the kitchen sink. If your kitchen sink is in the corner of the room, you’re aware of that large area behind the sink, where nothing seems to belong, yet it always looks so empty. Lay a branch piece on each side of the sink, reaching from the back of the sink to the wall. Place one more, across the back of the sink, to form a triangle of branches. Arrange short pots of flowers in the little garden, and add Spanish moss, pea gravel, colored rocks, or other decorations.
Arrange tall potted plants along one wall then build a small wall from blocks. Arrange the blocks in one row that stretches across the front of the wall, spaced slightly away from the plants. Arrange a second and a third row. Use Spanish moss to fill in and cover the pots, fill with white gravel, or just arrange smaller plants between the large ones. The block wall can be covered with fabric for a nicer look.
If you live in a brick house, or even if you don’t, you can make a cute brick arrangement that can serve as many different things. Lay three bricks, lengthways, across one wall section of your kitchen. Lay three more bricks in front of those, then three more in front of those. Now stack three bricks on top of the original three, then three more in front of those. Then stack three more bricks on the very top, against the wall. This will create a stair step arrangement that can hold spices, coffee cups, or other kitchen items. Make it larger, if you have the room, or stack bricks by two’s if you don’t have enough space.
Lay two concrete blocks, spaced way apart, then cover with a plank of wood. Add two more blocks and another plank, then continue until you have a small bookcase. Don’t stack the blocks more than four high unless you have a way to secure them to the wall.
There are lots of ways to bring a touch of the outdoors to your interior decor. Look around your yard to see what you have to spare, then bring it inside and get busy putting together your own arrangement.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design