Outdoor Lighting Idea: Take Solar Lights Camping

If you love wilderness camping as much as I do, then you already know about the problems associated with animals wandering into your campsite. When you take solar lights camping with you, the solar lights make camping safer by helping you to identify animal visitors sneaking up to your fire before they actually enter your camping area. Solar lights are self contained light sources that are not attached to wires. These lamps run at night on energy stored from natural light taken from daylight hours. Solar lights are available in every size imaginable, they come in either serious or fun shapes, and lamps can be bought to shine in any or all colors of the rainbow. This makes it easy to take solar lights camping. Solar lights make camping safer.

Take solar lights camping; how solar lights make camping safer:

Use solar lights with tent camping: Part of the lure of camping in a tent is that you and your tent can migrate by foot into areas that the weekend warriors can’t drive into. This places you out into areas where you are sharing space with wildlife. As a general rule, wildlife wants nothing to do with people and will completely stay away from your camp until you add good smelling food into the mix.

Bear, mountain lions, and all kinds of hungry little critters may choose to come waltzing into your camp just as soon as you get the steaks onto the campfire. Can we blame them? Of course not. So, while tent camping, it is important to understand that your campsite is a curiosity to the animals living there. Animals will be watching you from the outlaying shadows before visiting you in camp. This is where solar lights make camping safer.

If you take solar lights camping, it is possible to place them in an outside perimeter circle around your campsite area to expand your turf. Animals will stay a distance back from the solar lights, creeping up upon them first before entering your campsite. Using solar lights makes camping safer when they offer curious animals a little entertainment before they reach your fireside.

It’s very true that most tent campers do not want extra lights at night while out camping. So when you take solar lights camping, it is important that you place your security lights behind rocks or trees so that all you see is a dull ground glow from your camping area. Solar lights will make camping safer even in this subdued manner. The dull lighting is just enough to backlight any animal shape moving between the solar lights and your fire.

What not to do when you take solar lights camping:

When you take solar lights camping, do not use them as bathroom area lights. Solar lights work just like any other lights at night, and bugs will crawl in or fly in to explore the possibility of this low-level heat source; couple that with a bathroom smell and that bathroom area becomes unbearable fast.

Never torment other campers with your solar lights. If other people are camping near your area, remember that you do not want them to crank up their opera music any more than they want you to illuminate their wilderness with your unnatural solar lights. When you take solar lights camping, they should be used with respect towards others.

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