Outfit Your Dorm Room

Starting school and moving into a dorm can be a very exciting time. Living on your own is a lot different than living with your parents. Here’s some things to purchase to equip and decorate your dorm room, and making living away from home a breeze.

Extra long sheets; the twin sheets that you have on your bed at home won’t fit on most dorm bed. Dorm beds are “extra-long’ for the adult bodies that plan of sleeping in them. Check with your particular school to see what size the beds are and if you will need to make a special sheet purchase for you new bed. Extra long sheets are available from most retailers who sell traditional sheets, and are fairly reasonably priced.

Ethernet card/cable: Most dorm rooms are equip with Ethernet hook ups for your computer where you can gain free internet access sing the schools computer network. If you don’t already have one, you will want to get a network card for your computer as well as Ethernet cable so you can connect to the Internet from your dorm room.

Storage containers/ Yaffa Blocks: Dorm rooms are small, and are often space that you are sharing with someone else. Keeping your things organized can help keep your personal items separate from your roommates, and make sure that your dorm room remains clean and comfortable for you to live in. Large Rubbermaid containers and yaffa blocks can be set up under your bed, and in your closet to maximize your storage space, and keep your things together.

Kitchen items: At the very least you will need to get yourself a few cups, bowls and plates, as well as a set of silverware. If your dorm has a kitchen, then you will also probably want to purchase a pot and perhaps a cookie sheet or baking pan. Cooking in your dorm can help you save money, and can be very convenient when your up late studying and need a snack.

Mini-fridge: A mini-fridge can be great to store some few items and drinks so times when the stores aren’t open and your up late. A fridge can also be convenient so you can eat in your dorm room without having to make the trip out to the cafeteria. Some schools have a mini-fridge rental system. You may want to consider renting the fridge rather than buying it depending on the cost. Rental mini-fridges are often quite large and are delivered to your dorm room, so you don’t have to worry about moving it, or storing it during summer months.

Microwave: It’s the middle of the night and you want to heat up the last of that Chinese food you had for lunch. Now you can with a microwave. Microwaves as you probably discovered earlier in life are a quick easy way to cook yourself a meal. Check with your dorm before you purchase a microwave however. Some older schools don’t allow microwaves due to old wiring. If you bring one, and they’re prohibited you risk loosing it forever.

Phone: Everyone needs a phone, and you may not already have one. Make sure you bring a phone with you to your new digs. A cordless phone can be a good choice that can allow you to step into the hallway for late night or private conversations without having to bother your roommate.

TV: Everyone needs a little entertainment. If you like watching TV make sure you or your roommate plans on bringing a set.

Rug: Dorm floors are cold and hard. A rug is not only a necessity for comfort; it can also spice up your space and give your room a little flair.

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