Oven Tips for a Virtually Maintenance Free Appliance

Self-cleaning and continuous is what it’s all about. You want the hassle of not having to clean your oven every month, and then you should look into a self-cleaning oven. This helps those who have limited time and lots to do. On the other hand, those of us who stay at home mom’s trying to cut our loads down just a little bit. If this sounds like you, then what are you waiting for?
However, not all of us can afford self-cleaning ovens, so what happens then? How do you get the best cleaning for your oven without all the hassle? Here’s how:
First tip: Clean with ammonia, just one cup is all you need. Pour the ammonia into a glass bowl and put it into the oven. Do not turn the oven on under any circumstances during this. Then leave the bowl in the oven overnight and in the morning take a sponge and wipe away the food and stains. Simple enough!
Second tip: Use lemon juice, which make a great grease cutter. To make a lemon mixture to apply to your oven do following. Mix both equal amounts of lemon juice and salt together to form a liquid mixture. Apply the mixture to the stains in your oven and let it sit for 15 minutes before taking a sponge and wiping it off. The stains will come right off.
Third tip: This one might take just a tad bit longer than the first to, but it’s very effective.
This one is all natural made with 4 T. of baking soda and 4 T. of water. Baking soda is a great stain remover; you can virtually remove stains from anywhere. Mix both ingredients together and then apply with a sponge to the stains in your oven. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wipe it off with a sponge.
Fourth tip: If you are choosing a different approach such as using commercial spray cleaners then you will want to make sure you use gloves. You will first turn your over on at 200 degrees enough to preheat it. Then turn the oven off and spray the inside down real good. Let the cleaner set overnight and then wipe it dry in the morning with a wet rag. Be sure to get off the cleaner off. It could be hazardous if you leave any in the oven and you heat it up.
Some ovens come with a continuous cleaning oven feature. This means it will continue cleaning itself repeatedly with little soap and water. It continues to clean so that no stains or spills will bake on your oven’s bottom.
If you don’t have a continuous oven or a self-cleaning oven, then you should be prepared for cleaning the oven the old fashion way, scrubbing with sponges and soap. Or you can simply use some of the easier suggestions provided above.
Maybe you want a non-toxic oven cleaner. Very understandable, most cleaners can be very hurtful on the sinuses and allergies. I know that some cleaners are extremely potent and can even make it hard to breathe; these are the ones that come in aerosol cans. Therefore, whatever you do you might want to wear a mask while cleaning.