Over Landscaping Costing the Sale of Your Home?

Image is as important as price for a first impression when selling a house. Therefore modest landscaping is a good idea, but bad landscaping decisions are one of the reasons houses don’t sell as quickly as they possibly could. For most home buyers the purchase of a house is a financial burden, albeit a willing one. A good rule of thumb is to think like the buyer, not like the seller.

Home buyers consider a myriad of circumstances when considering which purchase to make, such as social and economic class, availability and timing of transportation, types of schooling, crime rate, etc.. Home buyers are not just potential customers, but are real people with real lives- usually busy, complete ones. It is only sensible that landscaping fall in line.

The beauty of custom landscaping is hardly a cloak of invisibility although it does disguise other odds and ends. A penny-wise, time-conscious consumer will look upon the finery but see the money and work involved in maintaining the lawn and gardens. Immediately the glory days are gone because the garden and lawn just became a future money eater.

There are some ideas to consider when landscaping a house for sale. For instance, plant flowers that are prone for that region- not exotic ones. And not plants that tend to need lots of care and maintenance. Also, don’t go overboard on the plants. A few goes along way toward making a house homey, and too many might affect those with allergies.

Sidewalks and other materials should not be high priced status items. Materials that are easy to fix and maintain are the best to choose for landscaping needs when it comes to selling a home. It is very easy to go in Lowes for something as simple as a garden hose and come out with a Commercial Water Feeder Water Sprinkler Jumbo Expert Pack With Stylized Arm. Many potential homebuyer consumers will look upon some of these status items as more upkeep items than anything else. Simply go for a function and quality combination.

This does not mean that all dÃ?©cor is out the window, so to speak. Wherever you decide to work your landscaping magic, if it is a corner lot or a corner of a driveway, show them what could be conjured up, just don’t overdo it.

Present what is possible. After all, it is the potential home buyer that ultimately makes any changes to the house to suit their personality.

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