Over the Hedge is a Hillariously Funny Time for the Entire Family

If you’re looking for a great summertime activity for family fun, you really should check out the movie Over the Hedge. It was a delightfully funny time for everyone in our family; from the youngest (22 months) to the oldest (32 years) we all had a grand time watching this movie. We are fortunate enough to live near a drive in theatre so we packed up the car and headed out for a night of drive in entertainment.

The movie started off with a bit of excitement that set the stage for the story to come. What ensued was a hilarious peek at what the average suburbanite might look like to an outsider along with a few lessons and eye openers about the amount of waste and excess that Americans are becoming notorious for. I think the awareness factor that this movie fosters is one of the best things about it, but then I’m a mom. The characters were quite loveable and fun, I know I certainly saw each of my children-especially Hammy.

Over the Hedge also introduces the best cartoon villain (in my humble opinion) since Cruella Deville in the form of the neighborhood association president. This character was so fun to hate probably because we all know someone like her. This movie gets two baby thumbs up from my family. Any movie that can keep the attention of a toddler for nearly two hours is absolutely wonderful.

This movie has it all in my opinion, humor that leaves the adults paying attention, family dynamics that we can all relate to, and it brings home the idea of the world as a global family. If you have the time or need a rainy day activity for the summer months ahead you may want to consider bringing your family to see this fun flick.

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